My first experience with ecstasy!!!!

Oct 29, 2002 12:12

I met a female on Aol one day. It was sort of a blind date sort of thing and well when i finially saw her i was very displeased. she was so hideous that i wanted to run but i didnt. We met at applebees and i said that i would take her out. We sat down and i was a little nervous because i was in a wierd situation. We began talking and she had mentioned something about ecstasy. I told her i had never tried and i saw here eyes light up. She asked if i would like to try and i told her hells yeah. Ive triend other drugs and love all kinds so i said what the hell. I asked her about them and she explained what would happen when i took them. i was excited now and was happy i had met this girl. I asked her how much and she replied only $7.00 for a tripple stacked stickman pill. I later found out that that price was pretty fucking good.

we finially left the restaurant and she made some phone calls and so did i. She called the dealer and i called some other friends to see if they were interested. I said i would meet up with them at the hotel that they would later get. we got to the dealers house and i fallowed my friend inside. as soon as i entered there was this guy who was laying on the couch and looking fucked up as hell. his eyes were rolling in the back of his head and was shaking with a smile on his face. I was thinking this is some bullshit and he was acting to steal my money....anyway i didnt care and gave in and bought 20 pills.

I took 2 of them and got in the car and started lie in like 10 minutes them bitches kicked in. the first thing i noticed was i felt good as shit. then it was dark and i noticed that the lights outside were like prisms. By the time i finially got to the hotel i was so fucked up and shaking and happy as a mother fucker that when my friends saw me they just knew that these pills were gonna be the fuking bomb. after about 30 mins everyone in the hotel was rolling. My friends new it was my first time and kept blowing me up with the vicks inhalers and putting that methol cream around my eyes and nose. i never felt so fucking good in my life. My friend who hooked me up with these pills came up to me and i was telling her how much i appreciated it and i was telling her how much i loved her and started kissing her and all and damn when i woke up the next morning we looked at each other and i was just embarrased as hell. that shit is a strong drug and i reccomend it to anyone.
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