A few little phrases that might be helpful

May 12, 2008 18:06

-Faith is being faced with doubt and unbelief, "God can't do that," and simply saying, "why not?"

-People who see answers to prayer and all that good stuff have one thing that everyone else doesn't. The balls to ask God for it and the guts to say that the blood of Jesus is enough for that to happen.

-The Fall of Adam and Ever didn't start when they ate the apple, it began when the devil said "did God really..." and they began to think, "wait, what about me and what I want." Entertaining that thought about our own lives is evidence of a lack of trust and the rebellion of the enemy still in us, no matter how reasonable it is to think that thought. We are God's children whom He has already promised to give everything, reject that thought and preach the gospel of the kingdom.

-Hell wasn't meant for people, it was created for the devil and his angels. However, because man participated in the devil's rebellion he receives the same punishment. The gospel is that God, who had every right to destroy it all and start over, decided instead to make the ultimate sacrifice to forgive us traitors and let us back into His kingdom.

-People constantly talk about wanting a closer relationship with God, wishing they were better at praying or something along those lines. I think the real relationship starts when you realize it's there and is as good as it's going to get, it's you who needs to grow in it. A relationship is a status, son of God for instance. Maturing is a process and just because you aren't mature or don't look how you think you should, has nothing to do with your sonship, so get over and be loved.

-"In the bible, it was hard to become a Christian and really difficult to understand. Now, it's really easy to become a Christian and hard to understand because it's so complicated."-Jason Upton

-"Thus says the Lord of hosts: 'I am zealous for Zion with great zeal; with great fervor I am zealous for her.'-Zechariah 8:2

-I don't know why people argue about this author or that philosophy, citing their opinions and research like it meant something, especially with in the Body of Christ. We have a relationship with God and a direct line of communication through the blood of Jesus, why don't we just ask Him?

-People talk about how America is going to hell because of abortion and such, or about how Michigan's economy is going down the tubes and nothing can stop it. It amazes me that the church is leading this charge, seeing as she is the only one with the gospel that has the power to not only forgive sins but reverse the curse set against these places and see them become blessed and a blessing.

Some things to chew on,
He Loves Us!
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