((Actually set a couple of days before the previous entry.))

Sep 10, 2007 12:23

“And how,” Megatron wanted to know, “are your preparations progressing?”

Mega-Octane held his leader’s gaze unwaveringly from where he knelt, the other Decepticons positioned behind him. Scourge’s absence was not to be commented on; it was taken as given that either he was doing something important, or the Nexus was giving him trouble.

In the meantime, Mega-Octane gave their findings to Megatron. It wasn’t ideal (not any more) ut it worked, for now.

“Well enough, Lord Megatron. Although Movor has not yet perfected the technique, I have no doubt that we’ll be able to use his bait very soon.”

“Excellent,” Megatron purred. “But tell me, if he hasn’t perfected it…”

He swept a hand sharply, gesturing to the kneeling shuttle-con. “Why is he here instead of getting it right?!”

Behind Mega-Octane, Movor cringed, not used to being targeted directly. Mega-Octane knew that, knew the flutter of his underling’s distress, and ignored it.

“He’s brought us news of something you might find interesting, sir.” If they looked for a good reason… then a good reason was the best thing to give them.

“Oh? Do tell.” Megatron’s gaze settled more firmly on Mega-Octane, though not without an enquiring glance towards Movor.

“It seems there’s a new ‘bot in the Nexus with the power of immortality.” He gave Megatron that, awaiting a response before he said any more.

He didn’t wait long. The Predacon leader’s optics brightened sharply, and he leaned forward with interest. “Immortality? Explain.”

This time it was Movor who answered, as he was allowed to. “She’s some kind of permanently LOLed human, chief. Give her a fatal wound and a little while afterwards, she regenerates. Brings her right back.”

“And have you seen this?” Megatron’s hungry tone was only natural. It was a reflex, Mega-Octane reflected. Show them any kind of power or weapon and they wanted it. It had taken the Decepticons a while to notice the subconscious urge. Not that it bothered them. Not that they could do much when it was totally automatic.

“No, but I remember she was dead. The gargoyle was freaking out about it.”

They remembered. It was half a reason to give Elisa a trace of respect, especially when Movor responded so well to being yelled at. Mega-Octane gave a quiet ‘hmph’; he heard a similar snort from Armorhide, a faint ‘huh’ from Ro-tor.

“And now she’s alive and well again,” Movor carried on, happy to spill the beans. It made Megatron happy, after all. “The only thing is, boss, there’s no way to duplicate the effects. According to her it was a total accident, and none of the technology involved is around now.”

“A pity,” Megatron said, visibly disappointed. “But what of this Transformer?”

“Her alt-mode’s some sort of fighter jet, she hasn’t picked a side yet - though she’s got a few Autobot friends,” Movor added, in a more subdued tone. “And she’s one of those do-gooder types who’ll help out the Autobots if you give ‘em half a chance, so it seems pretty obvious which way she’s probably gonna go.”

“Indeed,” Megatron mused, optics narrowing thoughtfully. “But no matter.” He directed a smirk towards the Decepticons. “After all… that wasn’t a problem the first time.”

They could hardly keep from quivering slightly. Mega-Octane dimmed his visor, feeling the wash of ill-defined emotions down his core. Pride, fear, satisfaction, adoration… He could hardly tell them apart.

No, he thought. It wasn’t a problem. He was certain Megatron was all the more pleased by it. Having new soldiers to rub in the Autobots’ faces was good. Having new soldiers who’d once been the Autobots’…

Megatron loved that kind of irony.

But there was something else to consider.

“After the incident with Magnus, we can’t take any chances,” Mega-Octane said.

“No.” The Predacon swivelled in his chair, turning his back to them and presumably eyeing the viewscreen. “Which is why you must bring her to me.”

He didn’t need to look to know the others’ optics brightened with his own.

“I understand,” said Mega-Octane, and they did.

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