Not long now...

Mar 02, 2009 20:18

Been an awful while since my last post. Let me see...

The big day is this Friday. Most things have been sorted, with only very minor details left to sort out over the next few days. CD of background music to burn. Place cards to write. Etc.

Incidentally - can I make one thing really fucking clear? So we all understand one another? We said "no presents". We repeatedly said "no presents". We explained, whenever asked, that we felt guilty enough about asking people to take a day off, drive the length of the country and stay in a not-that-cheap-actually hotel for a night. We figured that, as our 11th anniversary approaches, we already have all the toasters we can usefully employ. We don't require anything. There is no wedding list. We're really quite proud of paying for the honeymoon ourselves (especially as my half was paid with [i]fees for books I have written[/i]. No presents are required.

Why, then, do we currently have three wedding fucking presents?

We do not wish to seem ungrateful. This opens up whole new reaches of etiquette - when is it permissable to ebay the damn things?

No cake for YOU, anonymous gift-givers.



Oh, we're going to Hawaii by the way. We shall bother Dolphins, see Volcanos and such.


Stag Night was a week and a bit ago, ably organised by t'other Dave. Really good time, pleasant company and such. Lots of cider. I was most happy. Thank you to everyone that came, especially those that had to wait for half of us to finish Ninja Burger.

And the morning-after cafe was glorious.


I have two books out on Wednesday! Night Horrors: Immortal Sinners for Vampire and Seers of the Throne for Mage. Details of Night Horrors are already creeping onto the intertubes thanks to a french e-trader breaking street date. Seeing my work discussed in forums is... Different to how I expected it to be. Feels good though.

Rafe, Mark and Sam; I've got your copies of Seers ordered at my FLGS, the owner of which is staying late on Wednesday until I can get there to pick them up because "a man deserves to get his book the day it comes out" (his words - I love my FLGS-owner). I shall distribute them when I get five minutes. Probably Saturday morning. I owe more than I can say to the players of Broken Diamond, that game that pushed me into freelancing, and it's only fair that you get your due.

On that note, I just handed in my final draft of my fourth book for White Wolf. The redlines took a while, but I was glad for the guidance and pleased to do it. Would happily work with this Developer again if he'll have me - he's got a way of making people feel part of a team even though we're separated by the Atlantic.
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