I thought this was meant to get easier...

Feb 08, 2009 21:55

...With practice.

Super Secret Squirrel Project 4 is... done! After much prevarication, delay, taking a day off work so I could write it in peace, Sharon being sent home from work that day due to snow, constant interruption and gnawing fear that I'd miss the deadline and piss people off.

I now have five days to proofread it before sending it in in plenty of time. Hopefully this time I will not write "it's" instead of "its" fifteen hundred bloody times. Unlike some books we could mention. *cough*Dancers in the Dusk*cough*.

This has been proper stressful. Remind me to never write on a book a month before my Wedding again.

EDIT - As ever, SSP4's identity will be revealed once the advert appears in the darkened corners of the intertrons. Or the developer gives the game away first.
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