After viewing hours of television documenting families that each posses an outrageous number of children, I have come to two laws. The first is the Law that Jesus Loves the Little Children, or, as the number of children increase the love of God does as well. The second is the inverse of this law stating that as the love of God decreases, so do the number of children and so increases the negative number of children (abortions, postpartum abortions, or miscarriages.)
1. The Law that Jesus Loves the Little Children
The MAX love of Jesus is reached at 20 children and afterwords declines. Too high a love of Jesus would create austerity and would lead to a complete devotion both mind and womb. Love of the physical would be difficult. Love of Jesus is measured in the unit woG/a^2, or Wrath of God per square atoms.
For example, The 8 children on John and Kate Plus Eight are well within the positive curve. Their family could still possible increase if more woG/a^2 is added.
2. The Sinner's Equation
The MAX amount of children any family can handle with any -(Love of Jesus) is <8 after which point negative children are only possible. As the amount of -(Love of Jesus) increases the MAX possible # of Kids decreases. The point at which only negative children will ever be produced is when Love of Jesus is > -4.4722 woG/a^2. The red dot is the point at which Love of Jesus becomes -(Love of Jesus).
More later. Yes, I am pulling this out of my ass. And you thought the only math I did was red + blue = purple.