You know you went to Blake High when...

Mar 22, 2006 08:37

**I guess some things never change!

You know you go to Blake High School when...
1*...your alma mater doesn't rhyme.
2*..."monologue," "plie," and "piccolo" are in everyday conversations.
3*...the captain of the dancerette team is a guy.
4*...students vote on changing the alma mater to "I'm comin' out."
5*...the girls like the guys... and well, thats about it.
6*...a guy gets sent to the principal's office for wearing a skirt, yet, the lesbian assistant principal defends him and saves the day.
7*...everyone's nickname is either Will or Grace.
8*...the swim team is nicknamed the "suck" team.
9*...everyone has an agent.
10* sex is the theater & parking garage.
11*...the administration sucks, and so do the guys.
12*...GSA is your biggest club... it overflows.
13* find weave in the stairwell.
14* watch hotties more than the volleyball game.
15* don't know how to use the air conditioner and neither does the school.
16*...shows are actually hard to get into.
17*...ugly ties show that you're a senior.
18*...your algebra 2 class is messier than your room.
19* don't know how to spell "high" but you know how to get that way.
20* sleep in health, and talk about sex in algebra 2.
21* go to football games for the marching band and dance team.
22*...there are staircases leaving to... nowhere.
23*...your colors are, (needless to say) are yellow and black... just like the races.
24* get caught for skipping when you're going to class.
25* and everyone else (kindly) refer to your school as "bi-high."
26* get scared when your classroom gets quiet.
27*...guys don't get offended when you call them "bitch."
28*'re an outcast if you don't wear Birkenstocks.
29* one likes the people who sing "On My Own."
30*...your bio teacher's hair is a dance major.
31*...bomb threats are the highlights of your day.
32*...the swim and track teams dive to the floor when the starting gun goes off.
33* find bullets outside the entertainment building.
34* have an entertainment building.
35* yell at substitutes who call it an auditorium, its a THEATER!
36*...the initials for your school are more than 5 letters... H.W.B.C.O.T.P.A.H.S.
37* dont know what most of those initials mean...H.W.B.?.?.T.P.A.H.S
38*..math teachers don't know fashion, but their students do.
39* tell other people where you go to school, and all of a sudden, they don't like you. But it all changes when you say you're in the magnet program.
40*...last year's musical or chorus music is still being sung down the hall.
41*...there's a phobia of homophobic people... its called homophobiaphobic.
42*...the "gay plague" is not HIV, but a phenomenon spreading through the hallways.
43*...the freshman boys are homophobes when they arrive, but by the time they leave, they're gay. Same with the girls.
44* capris are always in style
45* are man thongs
46*...your math teachers die. Or else they just faint from the heat (aka menopause).
47* health they just skip over the sex part because its old news, and half of the time its physically impossible to get your partner pregnant.
48*...the only thing limp are the wrists.
49*...the guys bitch when other guys are wearing their shirts.
50*...the guys complain about needing lotion.
51*...the girls claim guys on the walls of the bathrooms, and so do the guys.
52* see people with hair the same colors as your highlighters.
53*...the only thing people think you do at school is sing and dance.
54*...there is no P.D.A. rule for girls to other girls.
55*...the other schools at district thespians HATE you!
56*...other schools know your troop number.
57* talk to teachers about the hit TV show "Will and Grace."
58* can be a "stained glass" major.
59*...a musical theater male can be lead and costume designer.
60*...flirting with guys only counts when you are a guy.
61*...everyone thinks the "chicken strips" are actually seagulls.
62* have seagulls!
63*...when people ask "what's that smell?" you say "the river!"
64*...rainbow shirts are an everyday occurrence
65* are "lez: girls love em" shirts that look like the logo for pez dispensers
66* homecoming, Jesuit throws skittles at you.
67* throw them right back. (duh!)
68* think your being attacked when the fire alarm goes off.
69*...every single time an alarm goes off, the administration says "please disregard the bell or alarm."
70*...out of 20 bomb threats a month, you only evacuate for 1. And the person who called it in called from one room in the school to the other.
71*...half the school jumps a gate to get to school.
72*...Ms. Cleo is your bus driver.
73*...theres a kid in your class who insists on being called Ms. Cleo
74*...your cheer before meets consist of "Blake High we bad about it." or " 'bout it, 'bout it."
75*'re not quite sure which.
76*...administration stay in the boys bathroom, "just in case."
77*...your yearbook was titled "What's Up?"
78*...your parking garage is locked, but your car still gets keyed! (and somehow you can still get into the garage!)
79* had a full page of a BBQ menu in your yearbook.
80*...your chem class has a beautiful view of downtown tampa (aka projects)
81*...they placed your school in the worst part of Tampa to make it look better.
82*...your team sports class takes you to the "crack park" to play softball
83*...3 students have died in the past year of murder. (thats bad, I know! and when was this again?)
84*...they're going to tear down the buildings around you because they aren't good enough for the 2012 Olympics.
85*...the colors Red and Gold are never to be worn on Fridays or Pep Rally days!
86*...your mascot is a yellow jacket, but if you saw one, you'd kill it.
87* one ever remembers what kind of bug your mascot is.
88*...rule number 2 is "no bandanas."
89*...your theater is booked for months.
90*...your parents get concerned when you go to football games and other sports events.
91*...lunch ladies need a calculator for 50 cents plus 50 cents.
92*...lunch ladies give you 2 slices of pizza when you ask for 1 (same with fries!) and 4th lunch wonders why there is none left
93*...they are ringing the bell earlier and earlier so you start coming to school at 5:00am
94*...they took back the "no backless shoes" rule, but you still see signs around saying "No backless shoes!"
95*...ironically enough, you don't have a daycare.
96*..."homecoming babies" arrive in July.
97* homecoming, you take off your shoes, dance, and then faint from dehydration.
98*...everyone gets drunk because the punch was spiked.
99*...your school turned the all boy catholic school gay.
100* have to audition to get in.
101*..."Phat Pharm", "SouthPole", "RocaWear", "Sean Jean", "Baby Phat", "Coach", and "FuBu" is a way of life.
102*...only the white kids come to school on April 20th.
103* make predictions on when and who is "coming out."
104*..."white" or "ghetto" aren't insults anymore.
105*...the white girls are getting weave.
106*...cell phones continue to ring in class.
107*...your mascot doesn't have wings.
108*...everyone has a cell phone.
109*...your dance department dances to *NSync
110*...there are 2 white people on your varsity football team, and one is the kicker.
111*...teachers don't care anymore if you play poker in class.
112*...teachers walk into class with "healthy choice" boxes after you hear a microwave go off.
113*...teachers see two guys "sandwiching" a girl and get confused.
114*...the worst break up phrase is "Honey, I'm straight."
115*...bomb threats are more likely than pep rallies
116*...when your shoes are brighter than your personality.
117*...people go around singing "hell yeah!!!!!!!" very gospel-like.
118*...there your school. You aren't quite sure what sex they are.
119*...the school's haircut is the mullet.
120* can die from algebra overdoses.
121*...your algebra teacher, or another student, tells you a shortcut after you do a million problems.
122* sing commercials and showtunes in the middle of class.
123*...a classmate says "random pattern."
124*...your coach doesn't believe you when you said you won a swim meet.
125* hope it isn't seagull season.
126*...your teacher sounds like the teacher from Charlie Brown.
127*...your TA teacher bends the gum rule because "yo breath stank!"
128* give up in 2nd period and start eating lunch.
129*...your GSA club card is pink, and everyone knows why.
130*...your teacher leaves the room without notice.
131*...if you ever needed a tampon, you can ask various guys for one.
132*...the same goes for midol.
133* call a teacher back just to smell them.
134* compliment each other on how hot and sexy you look. EVERYDAY!
135*..."what's your major?" or "what are you here for?" are daily questions
136*...your school has both a LiveJournal *and* a MySpace
137* have to correct all your teachers' grammar when they say "on tomorrow."
138*...your school spends hundreds and hundreds of dollars on printed out tardy cards then decide to not accept them after only a month.
139* go to the swim meets to watch the hot guys in their jammers and speedos.
140*...when you also find weave in your books and food.
141*'re so used to getting dress code violation that you always bring an extra pair of pants or an extra shirt.
142*...You're walking down the hall after school and somebody takes your wallet and runs down the hall and people watch.
143*...You ask "what's their major?" when people from other schools ask if you know someone who goes to blake.
144*...You hear a white kid use the word crunk
145*...You talk about the wall and your friends just look at you
146* use "whats your major?" as a pick up line
147*...your tech teacher think dance isnt an art form!
148*...You acutally know what people are talking about when they mention GSA
149*...Your school has the best band, chorus, and orchestra out of all the publics schools in hillsborough county
150*...When your crew boat is duck taped together
151*...about half of the student body is in GSA
152*...when somone asks you who you have for math and you say garside, ghansah, or silas, they say "oh, that fuckin sucks"
153*...when they play ghetto music over the intercom in between every class on the first day of school
154*...Having three or four fights per day is completley normal
155*...When there are more hot girls then guys (including about half of the gay population, too)
156*..."I love how ..." is a common sarcastic term used very often
157*...about half the population of people have a strange fascination for cartoons and they have everything cartoonified, especially Spongebob Squarepants
158*...the majority of those cartoons can be watched on Nick Jr.
159*'re absent on october 5th and you get the admit for it december 12th
160*...when girls AND guys have crushes on you
161*...When it takes you at LEAST 2-3 weeks to figure out someone is a guy
162*...when someone gets mad at you because they bumped into YOU in the hall
163*...straight guys can make NSYNC and Backstreet Boys manly
164* at least one pep rally a year, one or two swim team guys strips down to the team uniform
165* know who "Incompletion Kid" is
166*...there's a Dodgeball association and Yoga Club
167* randomly smell chicken being heated up in your classroom or no matter where you are
168*...everyone has a nickname. EVERYONE. including the lunch ladies
169*...the Yukon isn't just an Arctic region to you
170*...about every five minutes you turn around and see a pregnant girl
171*...Your A.P. reminds you of a lawn gnome
172*...The army recuiters only go after the girls
173*...Its normal to hear about sex in the theatre daily
174*...Your school has a larger parking building then any of the ones down town
175*...KenTacoHut is a must walk-to for lunch
176*...You dont have a track because they ran out of space
177*...A bomb threat is pre scheduled into your day
178*...You hang out at the bus ramp so, that you can get a late pass from free breakfast
179*...One word: Whaley
180*...then he quit to become a resource officer. with a gun and taser.
181*...Your resource officer raps and sells CDs of it
182*...Sign Language is considered a foreign language
183*...When "ghetty" is the correct terminoligy for Ghetto people
184*...When boys can be altos in the choir and not be laughed at
185*...When you hear people being called the race "Prep"
186*...You come to school in the morning and already find 27 cop cars in the bus ramp because of a fight or 5
187*...there're fights in the Cafeteria early in the morning
188*'re still taking FCAT prep classes your senior year
189*...your principal has balding spots...and she's a female
190*...choice after-school food-run spots include KenTaco Hut, Panera, Sunrise, Wendy's, and Mickey D's/BK Lounge
191* touch the rails going up the stairs your hand get rusted. Maybe your clothes, too.
192* have vending machines outside the lunchroom for your convenience...but they're always turned off. Including before & after school.
193*...the said vending machines are caged in like rabid lions. And you have to break your wrist to get the change/dollars in them when they ARE turned on.
194*...all gates on school campus are locked at lunch
195*...classroom tardy lockout is now a normal every day procedure. Too bad no one cares to use that tactic anymore!
196*...your math teachers throw things at you
197*...your english teacher breaks things and trashes his/her own room to get a point across.
198*...EVERYONE knows the kid in the wheelchair who can walk.
199*...even teachers talk like the kids on the hallways
200*...the bathrooms are now locked in the E building to make sure no one's skipping
201*...the chorus teacher calls the bathroom the "Potty Palace"
202*...The students name the trash can "God" and the ones with wheels "portable god"
203* and your group of friends have nicknames for each other according to their behaviors (i.e.: the Paparazzi, the Fashionista, the Model, the Singer, the Pyro, etc.)
204* go to the bathroom from your english class and come back and have a class discussion on a quote you saw written on the stall wall.
205* know which teachers/staff are homosexual.
206*'ve gotten high with any of the teachers.
207* know people who have cried because of the acting teacher's pep talk to the freshmen every year.
208* have teacher's cell phone numbers programed into your phone because you hang out with them on a regular basis
209* ...The costume teacher takes 2 months to build a "booty lounge" or ...its a known rule to not smoke cigarettes in costume.
210* ... An armed gunman who just robbed the bank downtown, comes running through the middle of the courtyard, and the entire school gooes on lockdown. **Classic!**
211* The cheerleading team has NEVER placed at a cheerleading competition!!!!!
212* You teacher lets you borrow their car to go get them starbucks!!!
213* when you have the best dance team in the county!
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