Baoying Wetland Park - Baoying, China - March 23rd, 2012

Mar 29, 2012 01:25

This day was the first weekend in Baoying that actually felt like a vacation. How it began was with Randy and I going down to the Kindergarten to meet up with the kids and their parents, as well as the principle to go to the Wetland Park. We would all later board a bus and make our way to the park, which wasn't too far away.

After arriving Randy and I followed the tour group and talked to Tom, who is the parent of one of the kids and Randy's driver since Randy is working for schools all around Baoying (a different one every week). He is a really cool and mellow guy. We talked about travel with him and learned about the park.

The first places we visited was an aviary where 2 male peacocks and a few female peacocks were being held with a crane. The crane I think is much more beautiful and regal than the peacocks...peacocks coloring makes it look like they are trying to hard to get attention (which for mating purposes they are). After we visited an Ostrich the kids fed, it was the closest I'd ever been an Ostrich before. They have a very derpy face.

Next we would be planting trees along with all the kids. This has been a new tradition in Baoying (as well as this trip) the park is 6 years old and has been an educational tool to teach about conservation and the importance of taking care of the environment. I'm glad parks like this exist in China. I was grateful for how included we were in this event, we were guests and we got to do everything the families got to do.

After the tree planting we headed to the hotel for lunch.

There is an full of large trees that cover the sky, where there are tiny green plants planted over the soil, which gives the feeling of being in another world. It was here I felt the most peaceful. We walked through here on the way to the hotel to have our first lunch.

"You look like Harry Potter." This is the most common thing that's been said to me by people I've just met in China. I've always taken it as a compliment. It was here we drank and ate with Tom and his friends. The food was delicious and quite filling. We would go through two things of baijou the local alcohol here. It's 42 percent...I certainly felt it, after the three drinks (each a third of a cup) I had.

After I walked around with Randy and Tom before we had a second lunch at a outside barbecue across from the hotel. I had to eat very slowly to not feel of the most important things to know if you ever travel to slowly and do small portions cause you will get a lot of food at any group event.

After that we headed back for the end of what was a very eventful and fun day.

food, nature, conservation, traveling in china, parks, eating in china

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