First tutorial

Jan 03, 2010 17:44

I've never made tutorial here, so this it the first time :) I am thinking about the colours, because I am going to create it and write a post. I will give you a PSD file of course, coz I am nice, lovely, blah blah blah, etc XD I hope it will be understandable. I am making it with Photoshop CS3.

The pass is not protected :D Feel free to download :)
If use - leave a comment. Please, do not claim that this tutorial and PSD are yours.

Copy your layer first of all and then go to the curves.

Curves: click here to see

Selective colours:
Reds: -45, 48, -51, 18
Yellows: -85, 3, -33, 13
Blues : 100, 100, 100, 61
Whites: 0, 0, 100, -8
Neutrals: 12, 3, -2, 0
Blacks: 0, 0, 0, 7

Selective colours:
Whites: 0, 0, 19, 0

Now put this texture on the icon fill 40%

Layer - Merge visible.

And again copy your layer.

Now we need to retouch Christina's face :) so filtr - blur - gaussian blur 0,4, then layer - merge visible.

The icon is not sharpened so copy your layer and sharpen it 3 times (on the other pix 2 times - sharpen will be max for sure^^) fill 70% - 80% (anyway you want). Now use the eraser (about 40 pix) and erase everything except Christina's eyes, nose and mouth.

Well, I guess it looks pretty good.

other examples:

PSD file (only colours)

psd, photoshop, icons, tutorial

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