Ian PSDs

Apr 25, 2010 17:50

Because I have been reading the highway code all day and boredom is well known to me :>

You know what? I am really glad, why? Because when I go to my deviantart and see 1500 downloads I can't believe that! Guys, thank you ;D I am really proud of myself XD but, one question... Where is 1500 comments?  :PPPP Haha, I am selfish 'materialist', I adore stats XD

'YOU KNOW, my journal is free but you must respect some rules. You don't need to be my friend to see my posts. It's not necessary to have a password to download PSD :) Only write a comment and credit me if you use it :) Don't claim that these PSDs are yours, ok?'


psd, photoshop, ian somerhalder

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