Dec 09, 2005 19:01
So I am something of a small-time hypochrondriac that worries about things rather than think I actually have something. Like the time I ate after someone who had mono two months prior and then spent two weeks worrying about whether I had contracted it. Or the time I took two tylenol and then, unthinking, got a bit buzzed and then spent all night wondering whether I had hurt my liver. These things aren't usually at the forefront of my mind, but they sometimes bubble up for brief episodes of insanity. My latest obsession is my hair, namely that I am going gray and will soon have none. To top it off, I got a haircut today and now I am worried that my stupid looking haircut is turning gray and in preparation of permanently falling out. I know this is all totally superficial, but I figure everyone can laugh at me, if nothing else.
My thoughts as I stood in front of the mirror this eveing:
"Why are the hairs so sparse and long on this part of my forehead? I'm going to be bald by 40. Did I always have all these blonde hairs, or is it some precursor to going gray? I wonder whether I got my great Uncle's bald gene. Are these bangs acceptable? Why does the hair curve like that there? Damn that stylist was mean!"
Oh my. My life is actually really good, but I am still just a little bit crazy--and you're a little bit rock n' roll.