Jan 05, 2009 22:15
Thank you to everyone who contributed to my "Kiss Me for Friedreich's" fundraiser!!
I met my goal of $300! And had so much fun doing it.
Total Amount Raised: $300
Number of Contributors: 18
To Benefit: Dr. Susan Perlman’s Friedreich’s Ataxia research at UCLA Medical Center
The best part? The reaction that Rick (my neighbor) had when I let him know. I compiled a small package, including a copy of a letter I wrote to Dr. Susan Perlman, a copy of the check, and a detailed summary about the fundraiser with pictures.
As I handed him the envelope I felt nervous, like I was worried he wouldn't like it. He started to open it, and he jokingly asked if it was money... since he had warned me not to get him a present for Christmas. He lifted the papers out of the envelope and I suggested he pick one and start reading, since as first glance he looked confused. He chose to read the letter first, and I watched as his eyes scanned the page, holding my breath.
Halfway through he looked up at me with a tear welling up in his eye, a quiet smile on his face. He looked back down and read on, as the tear trickled down his cheek. He read the rest of the papers, occasionally glancing up to look back at me. When he was seemingly finished, still looking down at the papers, he said quieter than usual, "You suck," and then looked up and smiled. I beamed, knowing that this was his way of saying that he loved it, and replied, "You're welcome".
Later he thanked me several times, and said he was going to pass it on to his son Jacob, too.
Best. Gift. Ever. Thanks again for helping me to both give and recieve it.