Hegel says that desire is unstoppable. Lacan merely uses other words to express this same content: The desire is the desire of desiring.
What we do throughout our lives is nothing more than to search, at any cost, to fill up this void that we carry inside of ourselves. To do it so, we seek a range of supplements: The perfect man/woman; The ideal job; a functional family, etc...
The problem lies in the fact that our desires are truly unstoppable. It never fills the void completely and what we really like is the indefeasible feeling desire give us.
We like to desire the desire. Therefore, as soon as we get one of the supplements, we direct our desires to another. Our supplements are easily replaced, for our desires are boundless and stronger than all of us.
"I know I've dreamed you a sin and a lie
I have my freedom but I don't have much time
Faith has been broken, tears must be cried
Let's do some living after we die.
Wild horses couldn't drag me away..."
(The Rolling Stones)
cedihomeless Posted via
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