Don’t fear
Fandom: Smallville, Supernatural
Author: vodooman / boredlittlestudent
Rating: mild PG-13
Genre: crossover, angst, AU
Characters/Pairings: Chloe, Castiel, Dean, Sam
Short summary: She stumbles in their direction. She sees Dean and Sam, but it isn’t them that she is looking for.
Any warnings: Character Death
Disclaimer: Smallville + characters = not mine; SPN + characters = not mine!
A/N: This idea was going through my mind for some time now… I wanted to write another chlas drabble… or fic…
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She stumbles in their direction. It is dark and cold, and yet Chloe is happy that they found her, and her feeling of relief outweighs the feeling of terror that she had been feeling just moments ago. She had been able to escape the yellow eyed demon without the help of her boys or guardian angel, and she’d made her way out of the hideout, only to see the two Winchesters and her angel Castiel run to her direction.
They are screaming, and shouting, and she doesn’t know what it is that they want to tell her. She figures that because of the adrenaline in her system, she isn’t hearing more than her own blood pumping through her veins. She continues to stumble in their direction.
A sudden pain courses through her, in her middle back to be precise, and in that moment she catches the horrified face expressions of Dean and Sam. Sam looks terrified, almost traumatized, while Dean breaks into a run into her direction, firing a gun. Not at her, but somewhere behind her. She sees the anger in his face, the desperation, and something else.
But it isn’t Sam or Dean that she is trying to get to. Everything hurts, and she feels horrible pain, she falls and falls. But she doesn’t drop to the ground, like the thought she would. She can feel someone catching her and turning her, so that she sees the face of her catcher.
His face is grave with grief; long lines of worry are there. He even has that two or three day beard she adores so much. Castiel caught her, she thinks, and smiles despite the pain that grips her whole body.
“I knew you’d come!” she whispers, blood is flowing out of her mouth and she fights back a terrified sob. She is afraid, afraid of what may or may not happen. What comes after this? She looks up at Castiel, while he continues to hold her. He nods at her, and when she sees that Dean and Sam are finally there too, Castiel says “Don’t fear!”
She closes her eyes, and rests, knowing he’ll watch, guard and come for her if she needed him.