Fanfic updates!

Feb 07, 2010 13:40

The new girl

Fandom: Smallville, Twilight
Rating: g
Genre: Crossover, requested (Smallville/Twilight, Chloe/Edward, new girl)
Characters/Pairings: Edward, Chloe
Any warnings: pre-twilight, Smallville right before the trail - Chloe in hiding.
Disclaimer: Twilight, not mine. Smallville not mine. Their characters are not mine. I only write ff.
A/N: Another prompted drabble... I just never put it up because scifichick774 gave me three or four prompts and told me to choose the one I liked best... I had it written... I just couldn’t decide if I wanted to post it. Now after editing it a little... I did post it. Lol.
drabble )

Evil aliens do exist

Fandom: Supernatural, Stargate-SG1
Author: vodooman
Rating: G
Genre: crossover, requested (SPN/SG-1, Dean, evil aliens exist)
Characters/Pairings: Dean
Any warnings: none.
Disclaimer: Supernatural and Stargate-SG1 and its characters are not mine. I only write fan fiction for funs and entertainment.
A/N: SPN/Stargate - no pairing, but I would love to see Dean's reaction to the fact that aliens really exist (and evil aliens at that!)- by scifichick774. Wrote the draft long time ago... cleaned it out a few days ago. Corrected it today... and finally got to post it. lol.
drabble )

Two sides to a coin

Fandom: Vampire Diaries (tv-show)
Author: vodooman
Rating: g
Genre: missing scene, requested (Jenna/Logan, subtlety; For Nightmares_Grace)
Characters/Pairings: Jenna/Logan
Any warnings: AU, not considering ep with vamp!logan
Disclaimer: Vampire Diaries (TV show) and its characters aren’t mine. I only write fan fiction for fun and entertainment.
A/N:  A little AU drabble... They weren’t really my pairing... but mightmares_grace requested it... And I ust confess it was fun coming up with something for them.
drabble )

Cold water

Fandom: Vampire Diaries (tv show)
Author: vodooman
Rating: PG
Genre: drak, angst-y, requested (Jeremy/Vicky, cold water; For NineteenBrokenSmiles)
Characters/Pairings: Jeremy/Vicky
Any warnings: Spoilers ahead... but also a little AU-ish
Disclaimer: Vampire Diaries (TV show) and its characters aren’t mine. I only write fan fiction for fun and entertainment.
A/N: My confession for today... I liked vampire!Vicky much more than human!Vicky... In a way, she was like a small, young child. Eager, and asking a hole into Stefan... lol.. and then you had Damon trying to corrupt her... *sigh* I would have loved Vicky to have had a different turn in VD. Bummer!
drabble )

smallville, vampire diaries, supernatural, stargate, fanfic update, twilight

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