Title: The Doctor Is In
Rating: PG
Warning: Will probably never be continued/finished lol
Summary: From this
wintergameskink prompt:
Warning: looooooooooong prompt is long and cracky. Forgive me :(
A lot of people have been using "DW" to indicate their interest in a prompt lately, which has made me think of that other thing that the acronym can stand for. SO!
Doctor Who AU/Crossover! Johnny Weir is a Time Lord! Yu-Na (or Ksenia) is his awesome, brilliant companion! And Evan is the random guy they saved that one time who ended up tagging along for adventures across time and space!
How is this possible? I don't know. Maybe Johnny Chameleon Arch'd himself to escape the Time War, and he gave the fob watch to Galina, who he'd met before and had always rather liked. Since she has to stay near him, she nudges him into figure skating, and he does that for a while until Galina senses that, after Vancouver, he's ready to become himself again.
Or maybe this is a complete AU, and they've never skated at all. Maybe Johnny heard so many stories about Earth from the Doctor that he decided to steal a TARDIS and find out for himself. Maybe he is the Doctor (let's just call him Twelve), deciding to check out some countries that aren't Britain for a change. Maybe Johnny's TARDIS got stuck as an ice rink, and yet it is still, somehow, bigger on the inside.
So yeah, plenty of free reign here. I just want something set in, or rubbing shoulders with the Whoniverse, where Johnny's the diva bitch Time Lord from hell. Or something.
A/N: Bah.
Still not ginger.
12 regenerations and still. Not. Ginger.
But at least the legs turned out nice. They were...unusually muscular, toned--a pleasant surprise. Never had an athlete's body before.
Wait, hands! Yep, two hands. Fingers, one, two, three--ten total. That's how many there are supposed to be, right?
Ears, nose, teeth--the teeth could have been better but at least it's something, eh?
Voice! And the eyes! The eyelashes! So long! It's...is he a girl? No, not a girl, can't be! Being a ginger has to come first anyway. He rubs a hand across his face, savors the new body.
Oh, the fire, the fire! It's everywhere! The TARDIS, rebuilding itself, new look! New life! So many times this has happened but each time it's still as wonderful as the last!
The Doctor reached his new hand out, pulled a lever, pressed some red button, another lever! How does he know what he's doing? Just natural--nature, natural, nature!--such an odd concept. The TARDIS swooped spasmodically through space as its innards break apart and new, stranger things will replace it all.
A new era had begun.
"One more time, Tan. Come on, I know you've got it in you."
Tanith braced her hands on her knees and panted. "I'm exhausted. Just gimme five. Or ten. Or an hour, I dunno." She turned her wrist up to look at her watch. "God, Ben, we've been on the ice for, like, five hours."
"It's only barely been three. Are you all right? Our usual practice has been draining you for the past few weeks."
"I'm fine; dandy, in fact. I just need a break."
"Tanith, the Cup of China--"
"Fuck the Cup of China. You know we're getting old for this. Do what you want, practice by yourself. I'm getting off." Tanith sped off in the direction of the locker rooms, popping on her blade guards as she hopped off the ice. Ben stared after her receding form and turned to work on the step sequence, alone.
The locker rooms were always cold and smelly and dim and just unpleasant to be in, but it was the only sanctuary Tanith had in the whole rink besides the bathrooms and hell, no way was she going to attempt to unwind in there.
She dropped onto the bench lined against the wall and took a giant swig of water, resting against the bumpy plaster. It would've been better if it were something alcoholic, but of course, the life of a skater. Obligations, responsibilities, that shit.
Tanith hasn't felt this tired from skating since a year or so ago before Four Continents, when she was stricken with the flu and actually got Ben sick while they were practicing (and despite how pissed she was at him at the moment, she couldn't help but feel really guilty about it). They were getting too old to skate like this anymore. There was no denying, since she and Ben were 29 and 32, respectively.
Heat prickled down Tanith's back from sweating so much. She leaned forward and shed her thick practice jacket. Outside, somewhere, the sound of a muffled series of bumps permeated into the locker room. Tanith sat up, tilting her head around, trying to detect the source. A final crash, and the loudest, seemed to come from just outside the locker room, a little ways down the hall in the alley behind the rink.
Tanith stood up, discarding her jacket and water bottle on the bench and trotted out to the back door. She peered through the narrow rectangle of glass in the door, and her eyes widened at the sight of a thick trail of smoke zigzagging down the concrete towards the left end of the alley.
"Bloody hell."
She glanced behind her in case somebody happened to be there, then pushed the door open.
The alley behind the rink was oddly long, and Tanith had to squint slightly to see that an outdated blue police box, something only her mother had ever seen in use, was sitting on its side at the far end, sputters emitting from the inside. She took a few steps toward the police box, suddenly realizing she still had her skates on. At the very least she had her guards on.
Before she was about 6 meters away from the box, two doors flew open on the side of the box facing her. A hand shot out and hit the ground, patting around. Another appeared, landing in a puddle of unidentifiable goop. Arms attached to the hands slithered out, clothed in brown tweed, before a head finally popped out, dark brown hair covering part of the face. Tanith jumped in surprise, her skate crashing down on an empty soda can. The sound caught the attention of the head peering out of the blue box, and it whipped around in her direction.
There was an odd silence for a moment, before the head shouted, "Oi! Don't just stand there! Mind giving me a hand, will ya? Thought humans were nice, the Good Samaritan types, they call them." It cocked for a second. "Am I sure I'm even on Earth? Hm. Smells like it."
Tanith took a tentative step forward. Was this person, man, whatever, talking to her?
As if the little person in the blue box had read her mind, he shouted back, "Yes, I'm talking to you! The young blondie with ice skates--which, by the way, why are you wearing them here? Thought they were made for ice? Humans, strange, strange humans."
Tanith pursed her lips in regards to her skates and approached the blue box. She resolved to just keep her mouth shut for any time this man in the police box was (rudely) ordering her to help him out--what was he going on about humans, though? More importantly, where the hell did he obtain the police box, and how did he manage to get inside it and send it careening down an alley?
She gripped the hand offered to her and then the other, which was covered in the goop from the ground, hauling the muttering man out. Once completely out of the blue box, he nimbly jumped to his feet and ran his hands through his hair, disregarding the goop entirely.
"Thank you, darling," he said, sending Tanith a little wink. "Huh, what a place. Funny the TARDIS managed to land in this narrow little cranny without scratching the walls at all. Fantastic! Those skid marks aren't going to go away for a while though..."
Tanith's eyebrows furrowed. First, a police box crashes in the alley behind her rink, then a strange man orders her around, and then he calls her darling without even asking her name. Hell no.
"Who are you?" she demanded out of the blue, clenching her fists.
The man, who honestly didn't look too manly--he possessed a great deal of feminine features, not that it was a bad thing--stopped straightening his cuffs and just stared at her, a wry smile playing at his lips.
"Why, I'm the Doctor."