
Nov 11, 2007 12:00

So I really, really hate youtube. i was just casually browsing away when i happen to come across the pilot for gossip girl on there. I thought hmm, thats the show everyones going on and on about, i'll give it go. And now im addicted. Just what i needed, another bloody show to watch! But Blair/Chuck! ahfhdfghgd! So god damn hot. Its like cruel intentions on telly, i love it! And Blair is insanely beautiful. As is Dan. Jenny bugs me though. And isnt Serena meant to be a bitch? Because shes too goody goody for me at the minute. Reminds me too much of Marissa i think with all the family problems and the everyone loves me thing!

As for other shows, heroes - finally getting good again now the ancient Japan/irish dudes thing is over, greys anatomy - officially lost its way - get new storylines, im sick of Merediths near death thing coming up every bloody week! prison break i like again even though the whole things ridiculously contrived to drag it out as much as possible. And the office i've stopped watching. Will never beat the UK version!! Maybe i'll catch up when the strike happens and im going crazy from US TV withrawals!

Anyone watch/download nearly famous by the makers of skins? and life on mars? Its pretty good, try and watch people!

I also went to watch stardust the other day, and aww! Really didnt think i'd like it but it was lovely! Pretty much every single british actor you could ever think of was in it right? (well except for David Tennant. boo! But he's Scottish anyway) So if anyone hasnt seen it, see it! One of the best films i've seen in ages, along with atonement. See that too!

And real life? I work, I sleep, I work, I sleep! I hate full time work. And i hate students now. Yes, im bitter! Though my first pay packet was pretty impressive. And everyones very nice who i work with. So yep, a job, a pension fund. Im officially old! Oh and my brothers got engaged to an american girl! So my future nephews/neices are going to be yanks. Brilliant! :p

Oh, and im insanely obsessed with arcade fire. Any other fans out there? I can upload some songs of theres if anyones interested? There absolutely amazing.

prison break, films, arcade fire, nursing, gossip girl, heroes, nearly famous, grey's anatomy, the office, family stuff

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