This Year’s Ed…

Oct 11, 2009 18:05

After last year’s disaster with the Arts & Humanities course at the Open University, I decided to go back to what I know. This year I started my first Engineering course (T175). It’s much better suited to me. Computers and technology are what I know, already this course is a lot easier for me to get my head around. Some of it is a little too simple, I’m having to force myself to do the really basic work, but I’m hoping it will soon become a lot more interesting. Even if this particular course doesn’t, the Engineering degree as a whole will.

I had the first tutorial yesterday. I was dreading it as usual, but the fact that it was on a Saturday afternoon and at TVU was great. So much easier to to and from than the last ones! The people on my course seem nice and I was pleased everyone was as quiet as me when I arrived. Our tutor tried to get us to chat amongst ourselves quite a few times as she set up her computer and we all just sat there. Silent
That’s the only tutorial we have on this course which made me quite happy! There is a day school in April but that’s only in Basingstoke so nothing drastic. This 30 point course is a lot less work than last year’s 60 pointer. I’m very confident this one won’t have me panicking too much about meeting deadlines.

Originally published at Chaos-23. You can comment here or there.


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