just a post to say hi=)

Feb 24, 2007 16:43

1. Name(/Nickname/Penname): oh. lots of them. el0a for lj, ac1d_ra1n for liveinternet.ru, fu51on for icq... well, whatever you like=)
2. Location: Ukraine, Eastern Europe.
3. Favorite Marilyn Manson, Nine Inch Nails, and/or A Perfect Circle slash pairings: anything to do with MM-fandom; also Trent/Manson.
4. Why you're here: because it's one of the most both exciting and relaxing places for me on the web=)
5a. Do you you write fanfiction?: well, there are some pieces of crap somewhere on my hard drive, but they were written merely not to fall asleep at boring lectures, so there's nothing interesting about them.
5b. If so, is it of this (MM, NIN, or APC slash) nature?: yes, all of them.
6a. Do you read fanfiction?: oh. tons of it=)
6b. If so, of this nature?: almost exclusively - yes.

I guess all of you have already seen every slashy pic of this fandoms available on the web, but here's the one I found recently, it's Trent and Manson. I tried to find this pic in better quality but failed=( Maybe someone here has more clear version of it? I'll be very grateful if you post it=)

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