1. Name(/Nickname/Penname): I have lots. Here I will be Nahhmal. Dunno what that means, I like the way it sounds =)
2. Location: bet I'm soo far away from you...
3. Favorite Marilyn Manson, Nine Inch Nails, and/or A Perfect Circle slash pairings: Marilyn/Trent, Marilyn/Twiggy, John5/anyone (yep...) ^_^ have also been encouraged by pairings including Zimmy recently...
4. Why you're here: because it's a great place to share MM/NIN slash obsessions? :)
5a. Do you you write fanfiction?: I do try. But I'm sure that MM/NIN fanfiction should be written in English, and as it's not my mother tongue, I will be happy to hope that somebody will be so kind to beta my beginner's crap... ^_^
5b. If so, is it of this (MM, NIN, or APC slash) nature?: of course it is.
6a. Do you read fanfiction?: Yes, lots. Not only MM/NIN.
6b. If so, of this nature?: slash and humour :)
I think that all slashiness I have on my PC has already been shown here so I post some crappy sketches I have done this evening *be kind to me pleeease, I was drunk and happy*
Marilyn/Twiggy, and Marilyn alone...