Re: LJ

Mar 09, 2012 20:53

Basically, we're done using it as an active journalling platform. We decided to do this once our paid account lapsed, which it has. We're done giving LJ money. We prefer Dreamwidth, where we've been for the past three years or so.

We'll be keeping a few people that we're relatively close to (or co-moderate communities with) on our friendslist there in order to keep up with them, and will be be there for communities we moderate, but we won't be producing original content there any more. We'll be adding everyone from the lj-voces friendslist (via OpenID) to dw-plures, so that you can see our posts there.

The same thing applies to our individual journals that are still in active use.

Dreamwidth, as far as we know, has invite codes switched off, but if we're wrong, we'd be glad to give anyone a code.

~Kerry, Hess, Noël, Darwin, Richard and everyone else here

livejournal, dreamwidth, journals

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