[There's a little Rin program wandering around the asylum, holding a teddy... bunny
thing? in one hand.
Now, you may cry foul - how could this Rin still have her things? But unlike the rest of you people who leave your stuff in the open, hers were safely stored inside of her program; namely, a gaming abstraction referred to as her "Inventory." They were a part of her.
Unfortunately, most of what was in there was stolen, and replaced with things like a bloody key, a noose, a mysterious floppy disk, tarot cards - generally, things that Rin finds a little spooky and has no idea why she would ever have picked them up, let alone saved them. For that matter, how did they tamper with her inventory in the first place!? Well... the answer is simple: Rin is now a Horror Game Protagonist as opposed to a Sim/Desktop mascot/virtual pet type thing. Not that this has changed her personality at all. Horror games are scarier when the main character is a wimp, after all.
... A-at least I have you, Mr. Bear...
[In her other hand, she has the bloody key equipped, and is trying it on any locked door that she can find in the facility. Finally, she finds the right one! It opens into a dark room.]
Uwah! We did it....
[she puts the key away so she can look for the light switch. After some feeling around the wall, she turns the light on...
To find a stack of corpses, clad in patient gowns. It seems they've all been beheaded. A Len head rolls down the stack, toward Rin's feet.]
[she drops her bunny, fleeing the room as fast as she can.
It doesn't appreciate being left behind.]