NEHANSHIKA Translation

Aug 09, 2011 23:13

So, I've been obsessed with this song ever since I saw Deino's PV for it and decided to try to work out the lyrics.

I won't sugar coat it, this song is a translator's NIGHTMARE.  For one thing, I doubt it was ever intended to even make sense to Japanese people.  The lyrics are made up of three things
1.  Buddhist sutra and medieval Japanese poetry
2.  References to old anime (mostly the work of Leiji Matsumoto and Hayao Miyazaki)
3.  PUNS
With a generous topping of gibberish phrases.  But anyway, I think I have created a rough translation that captures the feel a Japanese person would get from looking at the lyrics sheet ("wtf is this?"), along with an annotated version that explains some of the weirdness to the best of my ability.  Along with the PV, this song gives me the mental image of slowly degrading post-apocalyptic robots simply babbling relics of human culture without understanding the meaning.

Not being a native speaker though, it's possible I've misunderstood some of the parts, missed puns, or simply missed the meaning in some of the "gibberish", so I'm considering this a draft for now and I'd like to invite other Japanese speakers to contribute their understanding.

Original here.

Nehanshika (Nirvana Poem)


ABCDE                   FGHIJK
theflowersarefragrant         buttheyfallwhointhis
worldisunchanging             overthemountainsofexistencetoday
wecrossanddreamnomore norseeillusions


theflowersflowersflow      buttheyfallfallfall
whointhisworldwho          isssssssunchanging

He shall come clad in blue
descending on golden fields
to take back the lost fetters of the earth
and lead the people to a pure blue landland

Now deer, now goat
Now deer, now goat

It's over e Pressure Overload
I will not die until I have a machine body
Tetsurou Maetel

-meda Medama Oyaji we Kitaro

AaAAa- uP

MuskaMuskaMuska mymymy eye
MuskaMuskaMuska mymymy eye
MuskaMuskaMuska mymymy eye
MuskaMuskaMuska Lord Yupa!


Maha Prajna Paramita mimitahannyaharamitutasi
Border of enlightenment A-Avalokitesvara boddhavista-a
all is nothingness nokayohijifukito nothingness is all

It's chaaaaaaAAaa-os (foresters P)

ririnhiutoshin Dispersion of demons Exorcise th-th-them
It's Namo Amitabhaya

He shall come clad in blue
Obaba, shall we meet Were the legends true?
Lord Yupa Yupa is dejected too
It's the anger of the earth The insects are enraged
Obaba I'm scared!

Nausicaa Muska
Nausicaa Mu-Muska

Herlock Emeraldas Taking a soldier's weapon into your hands
Ceaseless random pounding
Nausicaa attacks Lord Yupa is bald
Aman is  taotaotaopaipai (peaches pale) respect yourself



あかさたな    はまやらわ
ABCDE                   FGHIJK
[This line is the first letter of each row in the modern Japanese alphabet.  It is pretty meaningless]
いろはにほへと  ちりぬるをわかよ
たれそつねらむ  ういのおくやまけふ
こえてあさきゆめ みしえひもせすん
theflowersarefragrant       buttheyfallwhointhis
worldisunchanging           overthemountainsofexistencetoday
wecrossanddreamnomore norseeillusions
[These lines are an old Japanese poem known as Iroha. Because it uses every syllable once, it was used as the alphabetical order until replaced by the modern alphabet.  I have translated the poem roughly, but it may well have no more meaning than rapidly reciting the alphabet]


いろはいろはいろ ちりぬるりぬるを
わかよよよたれ  そつつつつねならむ
theflowersflowersflow      buttheyfallfallfall
whointhisworldwho          isssssssunchanging
[These lines are the Iroha again, but only stuttering fragments of it]

He shall come clad in blue
descending on golden fields
to take back the lost fetters of the earth
and lead the people to a pure blue landland
[This appears to be a quote from Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind, with a stutter at the end]

ナウシカ ナウ山羊
ナウシカ ナウ山羊
Now deer, now goat
Now deer, now goat
[This is a pun- Nausicaa in Japanese is written as "naushika". "Shika" means "deer".  "Yagi" means "goat", and it replaces the "shika" in the repetition of Nausicaa]

もうダメ イ 臨界突破
It's over i Pressure Overload
[Pretty straightforward, except there's a random out of place letter in the middle of the line that appears to have no meaning]
I will not die until I have a machine body
鉄郎 メーテル
Tetsurou Maetel
{Two characters and a location from the manga/anime Galaxy Express 999]

めだ目玉おやじ をぃ鬼太郎
-meda Medama Oyaji we Kitaro
[Medama Oyaji and Kitaro are characters from GeGeGe no Kitaro]

あぁああぁ~  ぷ
AaAAa- Pu
[The "pu" seems to be a random letter again]

(ムスカムスカムスカ メメメガ)
(ムスカムスカムスカ めめめガ)
(ムスカムスカムスカ 目目目ガ)
(ムスカムスカムスカ ユパ様!)
MuskaMuskaMuska mymymy eye
MuskaMuskaMuska mymymy eye
MuskaMuskaMuska mymymy eye
MuskaMuskaMuska Lord Yupa!
[Muska is the villain from Laputa Castle in the Sky, Lord Yupa is from Nausicaa, the first three lines all end in "mememega", but only in the third is "me" given a kanji with the meaning of "eye".]


摩訶般若波羅蜜多 ミミタハンニ波羅ミ蜜多心経
悟りの境地 カ観自在菩薩ツ
色即是空 ノカヨヒジフキト 空即是色
Maha Prajna Paramita mimitahannyaharamitutasi
Border of enlightenment A-Avalokitesvara boddhavista-a
all is nothingness nokayohijifukito nothingness is all
[This appears to be the Heart Sutra, an important Buddhist text, though quite distorted (to total gibberish at points) and I can't decipher what an appropriate translation/transliteration would be for some of it]

カオスダァーァァァアアァ~ (林家ぺ)
It's chaaaaaaAAaa-os (foresters Pe)
["Rinka" means a family working in the forest industry. "pe" appears to be another random letter]

リリンヒウトシン 悪霊退散 清めタタ珠恵
ririnhiutoshin Dispersion of demons Exorcise them
[Beginning of the line is possibly another gibberish-fied Buddhist chant but I really don't know]
It's Namo Amitabhaya
[Buddhist chant: "I sincerely believe in Amitabha"]

ババ様 会おうお 伝説はマコトであったか
ユパ様 ユパモヒカンだ
大地の怒りじゃ 蟲達が怒っておるじゃ
ババ様 こわっ!
He shall come clad in blue
Obaba, shall we meet Were the legends true?
Lord Yupa Yupa is dejected too
It's the anger of the earth The insects are enraged
Obaba I'm scared!
[More Nausicaa quotes/references]

ナウシカ ムスカめ
ナウシカ ムムスカ
Now deer, now goat
Now deer, now goat

ハーロック エメラルダス 戦士の銃を手に取り
Harlock Emeraldas Taking a soldier's weapon into your hands
[Harlock and Emereldas are from Space Pirate Captain Harlock]
撃ちまくり 乱れ撃ち
ナウシカ撃ち ユパ様ハゲェー
Ceaseless random pounding
Nausicaa attacks Lord Yupa is bald
アマンが タオタオタオパイパイ(桃白白)自重しろ
Aman is  taotaotaopaipai (peaches pale) respect yourself
[I'm not 100% on the middle section of this line (gibberish?), but I'm pretty sure the "paipai" (boobs) is intentional given the "peaches pale"]

うぉおおおおおぉぉおお ぺ
[Another random "pe"] 

translations: lyrics, vocaloid: kamui gakupo, vocaloid: hatsune miku

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