Fic: Contingency: Holiday - New Years Chapter

Nov 29, 2011 22:40

So I've had this idea for a while and it just won't leave me alone.  It is admittedly ridiculous.  I'm ok with that now.  I also realize that the only reason I've gotten this done is because I should be working on classwork... On to the crack!

Title: Contingency: Holiday - New Years Chapter
Author: Singer
Characters: Dick, Jason, Tim, ALL HEROES
Pairings: n/a
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not my Characters... *blinks back the tears*
Warnings: un-betaed and very crackish.  Also, this is set somewhere in the comic verse before the reboot, and generally before a lot of sad things happened.
Summary: This is the party to end all parties!  Why, you may ask?  Because three determined Batboys deem it so and they are going to give the caped community a night to remember!

One of the good things about working with Dick, Tim reflected, were his connections.  Sure, everyone in the family kept tabs on people, but Dick was the one with real connections.  He could get the word out to practically everyone in the costumed community, and when he called they came.

Tim smirked to himself as he set aside a letter. This was probably the most unusual use (abuse) of those connections Tim had ever seen.  He picked up another envelope and began addressing it to a little farmhouse in Smallville, Kansas.  And that’s considering this particular event wasn’t even the first one conceived when his predecessors were too many drinks into a night.  Jason walked past, speaking with someone on the phone in brusque, clipped tones as he tried to organize everything they’d need.

He honestly wasn’t so sure how it actually got to this point.  It had probably started with a cynical comment he had made about never getting a day off.  Some how an inebriated Dick and Jason (well mostly Dick) had come up with the seeds of this.  Tim had expected it to be done after that except for occasionally dragging it into the light for brief use as an inside joke.  So he really wasn’t sure how that little germ of an idea spun out into actual action over the following weeks.

Either way, Tim couldn’t wait to see it all come together.

He slipped a small note into the envelope.  Its front was decorated with a picture of three robins wearing party hats all lined up on a tree branch.  The inside read:
You are cordially invited to the first ever


On the 16th of September starting at 7:00 pm

At the Happy Harbor Grand Ballroom,

16 N. Pleasant Ave.

Happy Harbor, RI

Dinner and Drinks will be provided

All cities will be monitored for crises during the duration of the event.

This event is being hosted by Boy Wonder Entertainment

Please R.S.V.P.

Sincerely, Robin, Robin Red Hood, Robin Nightwing ..........................................................................................................................................................................

Dick watched as hero after hero trickled into the ballroom from a secluded spot he’d found out of everyone else’s sight.  They were really lucky they could get this space.

The Happy Harbor ballroom was large enough to fit all the tables they needed to seat the masses of heroes.  One end of it was dominated by a stage from where bands used to play.  A screen for showing movies had been added onto the back of it.  The walls were decorated in that ornate detailed fashion no one seemed to use anymore.  Of course, Dick’s favorite part was the box seats.  He had no idea why a ballroom needed box seats, but he was glad they did.

He checked his watch as the last of their guests found their seats.  He smiled to himself.  7 o’clock.

Show time!

The ballroom floor was filled with chatter as the costumed heroes took the time to catch up with old friends and teammates from teams long past.  It was an impressive attendance, sporting members from all different generations of superherodom.

Much of the conversation revolved around speculations of what this was all about.  It wasn’t much of a surprise to anyone that members of the Bat family could get out all the necessary information while still remaining sufficiently vague.

The décor didn’t help either.  The centerpieces on the tables were low and bursting with color, but didn’t appear to have any theme aside from general celebration.  Practically every color in the rainbow was represented in the confetti scattered over the tabletops, so no symbolic color combination could be discerned.  The only other structure in the room appeared to be a bar set up in the back with the name Chateau de Shortpants written in blue on the front of it.

It was the general consensus that Batman probably new what was going on, but it was also the general consensus that he wouldn’t say.

So when the lights dimmed everyone was quick to quiet down so they could see what was happening.

The speakers that were added during the ballroom’s last renovation began churning out an upbeat tune.  A wave of chuckles swept the guests as the song was identified.

~ He rocks in the treetops all the daylong, hopping an’ a bopping an’ a singing his song ~

Robin sauntered his way from the back of the room (and just when did he get there?) towards the stage, weaving his way through the tables.

~ All the little birdies on Jaybird Street, love to hear the robin go tweet, tweet, tweet ~

He tossed a smile to everyone whose eyes he met.  Not that they could see his through his domino mask.  It was the only part of his outfit that was a part of his costume, unlike the majority of heroes who had come in their suits.  He wore black slacks, a black blazer, and a red button-up, pulling off that this-is-as-dressy-as-I-get-because-I’m-a-teenager look, although anyone who knew him behind the mask knew he could pull off an Armani suit.

~ Rockin’ robin, tweet, tweet, tweet, Rockin’ robin, tweet, tweedley, tweet, Go rockin’ robin cause you’re really gonna rock it tonight ~

He hopped onto the stage with the grace of someone who spent most nights bouncing from rooftop to rooftop.  He turned to his audience and opened his mouth.  Whatever he was going to say was cut off as the side door (that had ‘Exit Only’ lit up above it) was kicked open and the music changed.

~ Back to life, back to reality, Back to life, back to reality ~

Red Hood strutted into the room, a cocky smirk on his face at Robin’s annoyed look.  Honestly, his outfit was almost identical to his crime fighting one.  Worn jeans had been swapped for a higher end dark wash pair, and the leather jacket was more for style than function, but the boots and red domino were the same.

~ Back to life, back to reality, Back to the hear and now yeah ~

Jason jumped onto the stage and slung an arm around Tim’s shoulders, but before he could speak, the music switched again.

~ Blackbird singing in the dead of night, take these broken wings and learn to fly ~

Their heads snapped up towards Nightwing who was lounging on the railing of a box seat in black slacks, a black button-up, bright blue tie, and domino mask.  He waved down at them.

~ All your life, You were only waiting for this moment to arise ~

He flipped from his prone position down onto the stage, throwing in another tumble into the landing just for flair.  He gave the audience a winning smile as he ambled over to his brothers.

~ Blackbird fly, Blackbird fly, Into the light of a dark black night ~

“Good evening, everyone,” Dick said, finally addressing their guests as the music cut out, “and welcome to the Holiday Heroes Party!

“I’m Robin-“ Tim elbowed him the side, “I mean, Nightwing.”

“And I’m Robin-“ Jason said, dodging Tim’s elbow skills, “Fine, I’m Red Hood.”

“And I’m Robin.  The real one,” Tim said with a nod of the head.

“And we are your emcees for tonight’s festivities!” Dick concluded.  He made his way to the front of the stage, arms held out to either side.  “Now I bet you’re thinking, ‘But Nightwing, it’s September sixteenth.  What could there possibly be to celebrate on September sixteenth?’”

“Constitution Day and Citizenship Day, actually,” Tim threw in.

“Riiiiiight…” Jason said, giving his youngest brother a look. “Thankfully we’re not here for that.”

Dick just shook his head and turned back to the audience.  “We’re going to be celebrating a lot more than that.  You see; we’re sure you all know that-”

“Crime doesn’t sleep,” his brothers chorused with him, having had the idea driven into them during weeks of training.  All of their faces were serious and solemn.

Dick shook his head like he was snapping out of a trance and continued on, “and you’re also all fully aware that-“

“Crime doesn’t take a holiday,” the three recited again.  Jason blinked hard and turned to Tim.

“That’s really just too creepy.”

Dick soldiered on, allowing for the chuckles that had popped up throughout their antics.  “So the idea of getting everyone together for holiday parties throughout the year without them getting interrupted is just not practical.”

“It’s statistically impossible,” Tim agreed.  Jason just rolled his eyes.

“So…” Dick continued before Jason could say anything, “We figured why not celebrate all of the holidays together in one big party!”  He hopped back to his feet, grinning like he was particularly proud.  “And that’s just what we’re going to do!”

Tim stepped up to the front, “All cities are being monitored for criminal activity, so if anything major happens we can all be ready to move out in seconds.  So don’t worry about leaving your turf unguarded.  We also have some wonderful volunteers in the streets.”

“That, and we’ve been spreading rumors around Gotham that Batman’s feeling especially ticked off,” Nightwing added with a smirk.

Jason laughed in slightly sadistic delight, “You should have seen their faces!  I don’t think some of ‘em will show their faces for a month!”

“Red Hood’s very convincing,” Robin elaborated.

Dick decided they should move off of that topic quickly.  “All of the food for the evening will be supervised by the most acclaimed heroes of the kitchen, Agent A and Supermom.  Let’s have a round of applause for them!”  Dick said, his hand extended towards where Alfred and Martha Kent were standing by the kitchen door.  Alfred was looking sharp as ever in his formal tux.  He had a golden bat emblem pinned to the purple and black cravat he was wearing and a black domino mask.

Next to him, Martha Kent stood in a blue gingham dress and a white apron with the S shield stitched on it.  She also wore a mask to hide her identity.  She smiled and started waving her hand, calling, “Hi, Dear!”

“Hi, Mom,” Superman replied, blushing lightly as he waved back from his seat at a table with Batman, Wonder Woman, and several other members of the Justice League.

Nightwing finished clapping as the applause (and laughter) died down.  “So let’s get this party started!”  There was another swell of applause.

Tim took it upon himself to explain, “We’re going to go through every holiday in the order they would come in a year, so that means we’re starting with…”

All three of the Batboys turned to the screen, which was now displaying a digital clock face with 0:00 in bright red.  Streamers shot out of the centerpieces on the tables, startling a few heroes.

“Happy New Year!”  Dick and Tim shouted.  Jason pulled a noisemaker out of nowhere and blew it in Nightwing’s ear.  Dick flinched and stuck a finger in his ear with a small ‘Ow!’  As he turned away from his still whooping brothers, he appeared to notice the audience again as if he had forgotten they were there.  He blinked at them in confusion.

“Why are all of you guys still sober?” he asked, cocking his head to one side.

Jason paused in wrestling a party hat onto Tim’s head.  “Uh, Bartending Wonder?”  He pointed to the unmanned bar at the back of the room.

Nightwing’s hand impacted his forehead.  “Right.  On it.”  He turned back to the partygoers.  “The bar is now officially open for New Years Day!” he declared with a wide smile and a flourish before flipping off the stage.

He sauntered through the tables as their occupants cheered.  Tim took this time to encourage their guests to put on their own party hats, and start making use of noisemakers and party crackers on their tables.  (Come on, who wouldn’t want to see Batman in sparkly deely boppers?  Maybe if Clark or Barry moved fast enough…)

Nightwing stopped at the bar, turning to face everyone with a serious look on his face, one finger held aloft in a sign for silence.  “And don’t try to pull a fake ID on me,” he said, voice all business, “I already know how old you are.”

The sound of someone swallowing seemed impossibly loud in the silence that followed.  Those who weren’t staring at the son of the Bat would have noticed Batman’s pleased smirk.  Dick flipped over the front of the bar, beaming again as he rolled up his sleeves.  And just like that, the tension was gone.

“Let’s get you all liquored up enough to join in on the insanity!”

The End... For Now

dick, jason, all heroes, tim

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