Fic: Feather In Your Cap

Apr 28, 2009 23:18

 This is a continuation of Flight Of Hope.  I needed to write a bit more happy fic!

Title: Feather In Your Cap
Author: Singer
Characters: Dick, Roy, and Lian
Pairings: n/a in this part
Rating: Pg
Disclaimer: Not my Characters... *indistiguishable whining*
Warnings: I reject DCU reality and substitute my own! (completely disregard the whole black hand fiasco).  Hard to understand without reading the prequel. Unbeta-ed.
Summary:  Dick has found a safe haven, now to figure out how to get his identity across?  Just a day for Bird!Dick in the Harper household. The sequel to Flight Of Hope.  Which was Inspired by  Bright Essence I: Darkness Rising written by 
bradygirl_12 .

Sunlight seeped into the bedroom, slipping across the carpet and over pieces of furniture until it slid over Dick Grayson’s closed eyes.  He scrunched them shut tighter before giving in and cracking one open the barest amount possible.  He quickly turned his head away from the stinging sunlight.  It was too early to be morning.  He gave a yawn and pushed himself off of the enticing bedding to stretch his wings.  The shoebox, comfy as it was with all of the old hand towels stuffed in the bottom, really was a bit on the small side.

He tugged a bit at a certain rag with a daisy print; it looked as though he’d gotten that floral nest he’d been planning on building.  Two full days and three nights ago he had been seriously considering just spending his however-long-he-had in the Garden of Souls.  He probably would’ve too, if it wasn’t for Lian noticing the tired little bird outside her window.

That’s how he ended up spending the past two days in a shoebox in Roy Harper’s bedroom.

He cocked his head to the side as he viewed the sleeping man in question.  Two days, and Roy still wasn’t any the wiser about his current condition.  He thought for sure the red, green, and yellow plumage would’ve been a good tip off.  If not that, then how about the blue eyes?  There couldn’t honestly be that many birds with bright blue eyes out there.

The fact that his eye color was still the same had been discovered when Roy had taken him into the bathroom the first day to “clean him up a bit.”  Before the cleaning had commenced he’d caught sight of himself in the mirror.  Mirrors were a lot more fun as a bird.  The washing that followed… not so much.  He may have been too worn out to actually do anything about it, but he was sure he’d complained loud enough for Roy to get the idea.  He really didn’t like the “just drowned” look.  It made his feathers go in all the wrong directions.
He had come to three conclusions during that little excursion:

1. Sinks are bad!
2. Mirrors are fun! 
3. The next time Roy tries that again, he's getting bitten.  Hard!

Speaking of grooming, he fluffed himself up to shake the ‘bed body’ out of his feathers before beginning to preen the scarlet fluff on his breast.  His mornings went way beyond ‘bed head’ these days.  Speaking of which, the massive pile of blankets occupying the bed rolled itself over and snuggled back in for a few more hours.  Well that wasn’t fair!
There was no way he’d be able to get back to sleep now that the sun was out, and Lian would already be up to watch the Saturday morning cartoons, sooo…

“Chirp!  Chirp!  Chirrup!  Chirp!  Chirp! Twitter! Chirrup!”

Rise and shine, Roy!

The red head bolted upright in his bed, eyes wide and sheets clutched in hand.  Dick let out a series of squeaks that had become his equivalent to uproarious laughter.

“Yeah,” Roy addressed the amused avian, “and just what do you think you are?  A freaking rooster?”

Hmmm…  A rooster, which is also known as a ‘cock’, which has a second meaning that makes it a synonym to the word ‘dick’, which is a homophone for the name ‘Dick’.

It’s a bit of a stretch, but I’ll work with just about anything right now.  Just remember Roy; you brought these future wakeup calls upon yourself!

Roy glared at the feathered alarm clock for a minute more before going to lie down again, which prompted Dick into one more round of The Boogie Woogie Bugle Bird.

Dick was awfully glad Roy didn’t keep a crossbow under his pillow.

“Fine!  I’m up! Happy?” he said tossing off the covers to go rummage around for a pair of jeans and a decent T-shirt.

“Chirp,” Dick responded.

“Great, now I’m having conversations with a bird.”

“Squeak, squeak, squeak, squee, squeak!”


Roy exited his room with Dick perched on his shoulder.  Every time he would try to brush the thing off it would just fly over to the other shoulder.  He’d give the bird one thing, it sure was persistent!

“Hi Daddy!” Lian said, not moving from her spot in front of the TV, “You’re up in time to see the Justice League cartoon!”

“That’s great Princess,” Roy said through a yawn as he flopped down on the couch.  Dick flapped his wings to keep balance and let out an irritated string of twittering.

Hey!  Give a guy some warning will ya?

Roy chuckled at that bird.  It was just about the most expressive animal he’d ever seen, not counting Gar’s transformations.

Dick flitted from Roy’s shoulder to the back of the couch, that wouldn’t be moving around anytime soon.  Roy leaned back to settle into the cushions and watch some mindless television.  His hair was still sticking in every direction but down.  That wouldn’t do.

Dick shimmied his way over to his host and began to preen his red hair with same care he used on his own feathers.  Roy felt a light tugging on his head,

“What the?” he turned his head to face the bird, who paused in his preening.  He regarded the man before him for a moment before starting to work on the bangs instead.

“Awww!  Look Daddy!  He’s help’n you get your ready!” Lian said, a big grin on her face.

That’s right.  Now hold still and let me finish!

“You are one strange bird.”

At this point Dick hopped up onto Roy’s head to work on straightening up the top.


Just a little while later, Roy was flipping the last of the pancakes for breakfast, the most colorful member of the household still perched on his head.

Don’t let it burn!

He flipped it onto his own plate before turning off the stovetop and taking his place at the table.  Lian had already smothered hers in syrup and was happily munching away, getting the syrup all over her face.

Dick fluttered onto the table and dragged a napkin out of the holder on the table over to Lian.

You’ve got a little bit of smutz by your mouth there.

“Thank you!” Lian said as she took the proffered napkin from his beak.

Dick chirruped a ‘you’re welcome’ and scuttled back over to Roy’s plate.

Roy watched the whole interaction closely.

“There is no way you’re a wild bird,” he said holding a small piece of pancake out which said bird took and dipped in some of the extra syrup on his plate before gulping it down.

“Definitely not your run of the mill city bird…”

“Chirrup!”  Ruffle.


The day was filled with many more odd instances of avian intelligence.  Lian absolutely loved it.  Roy was just getting seriously weirded out.  As a general rule; birds did not use the remote control.  Neither did they know which channel the Knights game was on.  Neither did they snip at you if you tried to change the channel and cheer, he couldn’t describe it any other way, when they scored a touchdown.

Most birds also didn’t flush the toilet or know how to dial the number of Roy’s favorite pizza place.

…Or hand you the color of crayon that you asked for, as it was currently doing for Lian.

“Blue, please.”


“Sorry!  The light blue, please.”

“Chirp.” The light blue crayon was retrieved and dropped in front of the little girl.

‘What the hell kind of bird is this,’ He thought to himself.

“Daaaaaaddy,” uh-oh, that was Lian’s ‘I’m-so-cute-you-know-you-can’t-resist-me-voice'.

Lian had abandoned her drawing, a picture of their newest tenant, to pet the afore mentioned bird.

“Can we keep him?  Pretty please?!”

The bird let out another twitter as Roy eyed it.  There was something about it.  He just knew it wasn’t any ordinary bird.

“We’ll see.  First of all, we’re taking it to the vet tomorrow.”

The next few minutes were filled with a flurry of feathers and a veritable tirade of squeaks, twitters, and chirrups.



Just written because it makes me smile!

roy, dick, lian

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