Sep 15, 2008 21:41
My last class is over. This feels like a milestone, even if there is a long way to go from here. I did not get as much out of it as I could have or should have, simply because I did not put much into it. Just enough to slide by, but not enough to really move forward. I have a lot of unanswered questions about my research design. I really should make it a goal to get answers before the Colloquium. Since I have to pay for the thing anyway, I might as well be as prepared as possible, to really make it worth my while.
In the meantime, I'm all alone this week, probably until Friday. The boyfriend went up to our summer place, only to find it had been broken into and all the booze stolen. Even the Old Style. How desperate can the thieves be? They kindly did not break any stuff or wreck any furniture, so I guess it could have been worse, but it makes me queazy anyway. I am by nature a city person, and all that open space - with a very part time police force - makes me nervous on a good day. I'll be extra skittish up there now.
Wedding plans are rolling. Caterer is secured, and the plans for the event are shaping up. I even have a guest list, as painful as that was. I'm related to a whole lot of people, many of whom I do not like. So I bit the bullet and decided not to invite them. If I don't like them, why do I care what they think? Well, I don't for my own sake, I just don't want people complaining to my mother about it.
Work is in a holding pattern, with everyone holding their breath, hoping the state legislators reverse their devastating cuts to social services. They cut the funding for substance abuse treatment in half. It seems the depth of immorality to me, to balance the budget on the backs of those least able to defend themselves, just because the monkey in the white house is hemorrhaging money in Iraq. Guess they missed the part where Jesus talked about caring for the least us. Fascist Hypocrites.