Please get out there and VOTE!

Nov 01, 2004 18:37

Hi guys,

Those of you who have known me for a long time knows that I'm not a very political person. Like, at all. Though, recently, I was curious as to the election this year and started watching the debates. At this point, I really had no bias whatsoever, but one thing I realized while watching the debates was how incompetent and misleading our current president is. This prompted me, with my girlfriend's help, to do a little research on the Bush administration and there were so many horrible things revealed to me that I found disgusting. And when I look back on the last few years since he's been in power, we have witnessed 9/11 and the so-called War on Terror, I realize that I just accepted what was going on without really thinking about it.

These are just a few of the questions that raise so many alarms in my head:

1) The official reason why we went to war in Iraq is because Saddam has Weapons of Mass Destruction and it was recently revealed that there were NO weapons of mass destruction. So why are we still in Iraq? Better yet, why are we attacking Iraq when the Saudi's are directly responsible for the 9/11 attacks? And for that matter, why is Bush's family good friends with the Saudis?

2) Why is it that during the war, we did not allow any photos of injured or killed Iraqi's to be seen in the media? Why is it that US soldiers are questioning our administrations' motives in the war?

3) Why is Bush's administration comprised of people who are in positions that would benefit the most from a war? Also, why is it that the current Bush administration is comprised of major keyplayers(who happen to be guys that support America becoming the strongest superpower in the world by any means necessary) in his father's administration years prior?

Now I realize that of course there is propaganda involved in every sort of information that is out there. I'm a logical person and I'm not easily swayed by anything I read or watch or hear. But doesn't the fact that there is so much information out there for everyone to see raise some alarms in people's minds? Do you think that if the average American were to research their candidates objectively(without being biased by their party affiliation) actually be ok with what our current administration has done to us, with how they have mislead our country?

I myself, have never alligned with any political party. And it is with this non-bias, that I see all of these alarms going off with regards to what is wrong with our current administration. I really regret that I didn't do more as a citizen back during our last election. I'd like to encourage all of my friends to go out and vote tomorrow. I don't care who you vote for, but if you do vote, please do your research to decide who is the best candidate for our country.

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