life lol

Sep 17, 2008 22:26

hello all well lets see i havent posted on here in ages

so where too begin next month in fact in 2 weeks me an richard are off ta see the awesome miss emilie autum

ive been playing vtes loads god i love that cost effective and all type one amazingly well contructed game

also ive been gettingback ta my main my malk lyn and also have created a new requim char im likeing second too her named roxanne

and found a clan i really like deava shes also the cool new toreador bloodline and best of all yays and much more also the newly remade malkavian

been doing lots of wow and such too

finally alls going well on a life getting fixed front too so here hopeing it wont be long now :)

also saw the awesome new batman i must confess that on a batman best era aka frank millers 80s reinvention this was a perfect job the joker quite literally as was 2 face gordan alfred all perfecttoo there dark harrowing 80s versions

ps for fun and frolics heres a breif bita help for would be malkavians

movies of note

pie a very good movie of the oracular madness in particular the psychic madness oracular chaos theory seeing eveything as its truly is and links connects and the lines of history and veins of fate thru it that is dementation lvl 3 eyes of choas

batman dark knight the jokers games show a perfect example of the art of pranking the attempt too kick away perceptional crutchs too achieve true enlightenment

films too watch for playing a malk

stigmata covers the religous side of this divinly touched clan perfectly an that the price of seeing god as a mortal can be a toughy

batman charcters scarecrow any the joket and 2 face "antitribue" or rather sabbat violent malks as well as batman himself cammy malk all very good examples of malkavians

the movie the crush or too die for also give great insporations for cammy malks

a final parting tip as a malkavian no one can beat u psychicly and uve the advatnage of always being able ta make a battle the battle of the mind so do so

playing a malk right if ur group is a combo of fearing pittying and or aweing of ur mental abilities but no clue as ta what they are knowing theycan gain em just bye asking but fearing too do so then ur playing one a perfect

madness is like gravity it just needs a

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