Apr 09, 2005 06:10
So I didn't get to far into reading Nietzsche's "Will to Power" before I realized buddhism is just as much of a hoax as christianity is. They're both created out of a need. There is no truths, we just created them out of a psychological desire. Buddhism is a weak form of Nihilhism. But is it not functional? Ideally it is just like christianity. I would say what attracted me to it is its contempt for the ignorant, which christianity is based on. But on that same token it makes buddhism completely contradictory. How can you not be ignorant and know it was all a fabrication? It says so right away that Shakyamuni (the first Buddha) created it out of desire to overcome lifes suffering.
Ignorance seems to be the only way to find a pattern or system to existance. Thats why so many people are conformists.
How about chaos? Our existance is based on finding ways to overcome it. And in the end chaos is the only truth that will preside after our deaths. Our "reality" is just a combination of senses. Heat, color, shape, size. When you boil it down our existance, outside our perspectives is just a whole bunch of lines and diagrams, and even those cannot exist without some form of perspective. The only thing I can find independant of perspective (which makes everything artificial) is force. Gravity, electromagnatism, physical force. Which leads way to energies. Light, heat, nuclear, fusion?? (the cosmological forces, not our simple dirivitives) But this proves that just because their is perspective, it doesn't make everything artificial. Energy would seem independant from shapes, structures. But we still "see" it ( either directly or in relative terms)
What havn't we created with our minds? Is there something above us in the chain? Maybe that is what force is, a higher existance than us. Maybe we are all just force.
But in the end didn't we invent the term "force". What isn't relative to human-kinds creations, that is my new focus.