Sup, LJ?
So much to fangirl about these days!
I can't wait for X-Men. I can barely wrap my brain around the reality of both Magnetos and Professor Xs. Love it.
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Also, I'm really excited about Gayle Forman's If I Stay being made into a movie. (I'm a little less than enthused that the star made some "it's not YA" statement, but I guess she's trying to dispel a lot of the cliches out there about YA books/movies or the idea that if it's YA it's just for teens. It's unfortunate wording, though.) That book and its companion, Where She Went are totally worth the read, as are her other pair Just One Day and Just One Year.
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And of course, my most anticipated of the summer, The Fault In Our Stars. *sigh* All of the bits and pieces of it just make my heart hurt gloriously.
My sinuses are a bit unhappy this spring. There has been a lot of smog and it's irritating me. I think I also need some dental work. Ugh. Hate that. Generally, though, my health has been better this past year than it has in a while. Our whole family has been okay, and I'm glad for it because we have enough other stress to keep us occupied.
Giving our official resignations went okay. We had a few disappointed colleagues, but they all understood. A few of them have also resigned their own positions. There are a few who are quite happy we're leaving, but that's one of the reasons we're going. It's like middle school in the office at times. We'll be heading out mid-July, as soon as the kids are done with school. We have a bit of an odd trip, as we have to stop in St. Louis for some official stuff, then we're going to Iowa via Omaha to visit our major fundraiser for an event he's having. Then we'll finally be done and will head to Matt's family in NJ. We're getting in some quality time with them at the shore, which should be good even if it's inevitably going to be tense. July ends with the rest of my family going/doing whatever I don't even care because
LEAKYCON!! *le sigh* I'm so excited for this. Amazing authors, great social media content creators, and
willowwand, which is the best part of it. :)
We still don't have a job, either of us. Well, I'm still editing and that's going well, but it's not full-time work. The Mr. has been applying in several places and has turned down a few things that didn't fit. The one that's looking the most promising is a job that would put us in Nebraska, which...I can't even. I swear that just the thought of living in the midwest makes me breathe into a paper bag. I know that I can adjust, but it would be such a huge change. I've never lived anywhere landlocked. That may not sound like a big deal, but I have a thing for the ocean. Also, for the last 4 years, I've lived right on the water, up on the 26th floor where 90% of my view is water and bridge. So...yeah. The fact that Nebraska is double landlocked, meaning that the states that border it also don't touch ocean/gulf waters...yikes. (Also, Nebraska is like 90% white??? ohmigod i can't imagine i just what???) But I know that there are also a lot of positives with that job and that area, so I'm willing to give it a shot. I'm willing to go full Little House on the Prairie. Just call me Ma.
I've been Pinteresting like crazy, trying to get some visuals for what I like in homes and decorating. It's simultaneously scary and exciting to think of becoming an actual homeowner sometime soon.
My kids are in full teen hormone meltdown. The girl has started her period which...yikes again. She HATES it, poor thing. My son is starting to be interested in girls in the actual world, instead of just in theory. I'm so scared of having teenagers, I can't even tell you.
Welp. That's my big news. Basically...nothing. What's going on with you? Since LJ has been so very quiet these days, I'm mostly
hanging out on Tumblr, but I miss you guys.