Fuzzy (if any) thinking in the news [Sorry, here be politics]

Jun 16, 2012 13:45

Re: McConnell defends political contributions as free speech

Don't you love it when people undermine their own position and show their inability to reason?

“It is critically important for all conservatives - and indeed all Americans - to stand up and unite in defense of the freedom to organize around the causes we believe in, and against any effort that would constrain our ability to do so,” McConnell said...

Unless you are a policeman or teacher in Wisconson. Oh, you didn't mean to say that Gov. Walker erred?

But consider the larger picture. McConnell and others claim that spending money is 'speech' and should be free of government interference.

Of course, these are the same politicians who voted to make giving monetary contributions to groups the government designates 'terrorist' organizations a crime. Same act: giving money to someone else, presumably because you support their viewpoint.

Wow, that sounds disturbingly like, how did he put it? " “an alarming willingness itself to use the powers of government to silence” political speech of groups with which it disagrees."

But it is actually even worse; traditionally, giving money to someone has been considered an 'act', one that could be a crime in and of itself, be it a bribe or payment for, either before or after, a crime. But, if conservatives really believe what they are saying, handing money to someone is no different from saying "I wish so-and-so was dead." or "That building blocks my view, I wish it wasn't there."

Sounds kind of silly, doesn't it? Probably because it is. However, that has no bearing on its 'legality' in the USA these days.

But it should surely be a good sign about who you do and do not want deciding on what becomes law...
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