Beyond Simple Solutions: The Need for Complex Ideas in Anorexia Nervosa

Jun 11, 2013 08:14

Originally published at Science of Eating Disorders. Please leave any comments there.

I often hesitate to make broad, sweeping claims about the nature, cause, and experience of eating disorders and disordered eating. However, if there is one thing I feel absolutely certain saying about these disorders, it is that they are incredibly complex and multifaceted with no “one-size fits all” solution. So, I was quite excited when [...]

effective treatment, strober, genetic factors, genetics, review, family-based therapy, therapeutic alliance, treatment, fbt, benchmarking, commentary, gene and environment, evidence-based treatment, complexity, bbmi, weight restoration, anorexia nervosa, eating disorders, controversy, biologically-based mental illness, johnson, 2012, therapist skills

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