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Comments 2

ljlee September 13 2013, 23:34:54 UTC
Yuki's realization about Tohru came as a surprise to me. I liked his [spoiler]choice not to pursue a romantic relationship with her in a situation when he was emotionally dependent on her. As Kakeru pointed out, it could still have been a good relationship--it just wasn't what Yuki wanted. He wanted to contribute on equal footing and not feel like Tohru was carrying him. All of which I thought was valid and very mature of him, though it could have been foreshadowed better.

There is one thing that might count as foreshadowing--[more spoilers]I remember being annoyed with Yuki's out-there pursuit of Tohru at the vacation home, and finding it immature in contrast to Kyo's quiet affection and willingness to step back from Tohru for her sake. It seemed an inappropriate time for Yuki to be flirting so openly when he obviously had so many more important things to be worrying about, like the unresolved situation with Akito. Now I recognize Yuki's desperation for what it was, trying to assert his maturity so as to convince himself he wasn't relying on her for ... )


vmuzic September 19 2013, 06:09:43 UTC
I agree with everything you said. I especially agree with the part that familial love counts for something, but we desperately need other friendships too. Family has the strength of being a solid rock-no matter what happens, you're still family. Friendship is a choice and that makes it riskier and also rewarding in a very different way. I really admire what Yuki becomes in this story, and I think the quiet strength he attains could be used as a model for many people who struggle with shyness and fear. Though I must say it's very interesting to me that [spoiler] Yuki's best friend was the one who reminded him the most of his brother.


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