Что? Где? Когда? на американском ABC.

Oct 23, 2011 16:15

Originally posted by vmtcom at Что? Где? Когда? на американском ABC.

Лицензированная от Стеценко/Крюка версия ЧГК была показана сегодня на американском канале ABC. (Несколько эпизодов были сняты год назад, но были отложены в долгий ящик. Из-за забастовки NBA им нечего показывать днем в воскресенье, так что они вытащили это из ящика, сдули пыль и voila!)

Вот вопросы сегодняшней игры. Ответы более или менее очевидны.

1. Champagne has it, but ginger ale doesn’t. A foreigner has one, but an immigrant has none. What is it?
2. Often found at airports or at the beach, they’ve been around for thousands of years even though their name still implies they’re new. And thanks to modern technology, thousands of them can fit in the palm of you hand. What are they?
3. Video question. This commercial was designed to get people to sign up for a training program that will help them address a common problem. What common problem?
4. There is a certain group known to stop people in the streets of Virginia and hand them printed materials. The materials are given away freely, but have raised tens of millions of dollars for that state’s literary fund. Identify these materials.
5. Black box question. Since 1974, people have used what inside the black box to relax, to compete, and to have fun. In 1980, a support group was started for people who became addicted to it, and it probably wont surprise you that a wrist injury was named after it. What's in black box?
6. The Retrevo Buzzmeter measures something called “TPM.” Barak Obama’s 2010 State of the Union address hit a high of 9,000 TPM, yet George W. Bush’s State of the Union in 2002 couldn’t register even one TPM. What does TPM stands for?
7. In October of 1931, President Herbert Hoover asked the American people to turn off their lights for one minute as a fitting tribute. What happened days earlier that inspired this tribute?
8. At the stroke of midnight in 2008, shrieking masses were about to witness a spectacle they waited hours to see. Most of them probably didn’t realize that they could have seen at least two versions of it that day for free. What is it?
9. Researchers studied the Mona Lisa painting using 3D technology. What they found is what Professor Nuland of Yale University found by looking at her fingers and, of course, her smile. What did they say is reason for her smile?

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