If you're like me, right now you have a problem: how to save that snowball now that the weather is getting warmer. Here are some tips:
1. The freezer SEEMS like it would be the best place, but it's not. (It's the first place a nosy brother will look.)
2. A clothing drawer (in your brother's dresser) is one storage idea.
3. Pack your snowball INSIDE another snowball. This guarantees it will stay safe (from your brother).
4. If someone (like your brother) asks where you put your snowball, DO NOT answer! Say nothing. Just whistle to show that you are not hiding anything. (If you can't whistle, pay a friend five cents to do it for you.)
5. Be safe: hide more than one snowball. (Right now I have eleven snowballs hidden in the house, so nothing can go wrong!)