Sorry I'm so late again with this. This took a lot longer to make than I expected because it's our very last challenge post, so it's a big one, and the general deadness of the fandom wasn't really motivating me. Technically this round already started. Oops!
Before we get to the challenges, I just want to ask everyone who hasn't to please vote in
round #10's awards poll! It was supposed to close weeks ago, after being up twice as long as they normally are, but we only have 15 votes, the lowest participation ever. I know the VM fandom is on the verge of total death, and that's one of the reasons we're closing, but it'd be really nice if the people who still cared could find the time to give this community one last push.
On that note,
round #11 was supposed to close last week, but we only got two submissions! So we'll merge those with the final round. As you'll see, this last list of challenges include all previous challenges, so it's the perfect time to finish up and post that fic you started forever ago but missed the deadlines to.
Now on to the last set of challenges!
The final round of Game On started August 1st and will close Friday, November 5th! So it's a super-sized round and hopefully it'll give everyone who wants to participate ample time to do so. We also won't be doing an awards poll for the last round; I've got another idea for how the awards will be handed out this time, and I think the change will be for the better.
After November 5th, winners will be announced and then the community will unofficially close, meaning there won't be any new challenges but people can still post any updates to their work or maybe new fics that were inspired by old challenges.
Round #12, the last round, will be held from August 1st until November 5th, and fics must be submitted (or linked to) during that time in order to be considered for awards.
vmfic_gameon's Challenge Round #12 (August)
Character Challenge
Characters: Logan/Veronica, future fic.
Prompt: What's in store for the most popular couple on the show? Write a fic that explores their relationship any time post-series, and feel free to jump as far into the future as you want. What do you think will become of them the first year after college? Or 10 years after? Twenty?
The fics must be Logan/Veronica centric. It can be angst, fluff, whatever you want, but it must focus on the L/V pairing in some way and must follow series canon. If you have something else in mind, I'm positive you can use one of the many other challenges to somehow fit your idea.
In case LoVe's not your thing, you can revisit the previous round character challenges instead. Here they are:
Character: Veronica
Prompt: A fic that explores Veronica's feelings (or her actions) the day she woke up in Shelly Pomroy's guest bedroom after being drugged. This fic can include other characters, but it must be Veronica-centric.
Character: Logan
Prompt: The son of Aaron and Lynn Echolls, Logan was no stranger to the media, even if the show sometimes forgot how famous he would actually be. Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to create mock articles, interviews or transcripts that focus primarily on Logan, and either incorporate them into a fic or use them as the story. This fic can include other characters, but it must be Logan-centric.
Character(s): Mac, Wallace
Prompt: Veronica’s two BFFs don’t always see a lot of action in fic. Let’s fix that! Write a fic with either Mac or Wallace as the main characters (or starring both of them, together). You could write romances for them (original characters welcome, or you could pair them off with an established character from the show), explore episode plots through their eyes, or have either or both solving a mystery of their own! The story can involve other characters but it must be Mac or Wallace or Mac and Wallace-centric.
Character: Weevil
Prompt: The show ran for three seasons but poor Weevil never got a (live) love interest. So write one for him now. It could be an OC or a character we know from the show (slash is fine, too!), or a look back at his relationship with Lilly. Just let Weevil love someone long time! Any ratings welcome, though smut is highly encouraged.
Characters: Dick and Beaver
Prompt: Those Casablancas boys. Write about their relationship as brothers, whether it was outings with their friends, competition for their father’s attention, or the antagonism and taunting that helped define their relationship. Other characters are welcome, and romantic pairings are allowed, but the fic must explore some aspect of that Dick and Beaver bond. Any ratings and genres accepted.
Characters: Keith and ?
Prompt: Much of the show is centered around the Keith and Veronica dynamic, but let's take this round to explore the relationships between Keith and the other various men in Veronica's life, whether it's best friend Wallace, nemesis Lamb or on-again/off-again boyfriends Logan or Duncan. You could write about the history between Weevil and Keith, or even the touchier subject of Jake Kane. This challenge doesn't have to be so much Keith-centric as it is Keith and whichever male character you choose to write about (and this aspect of their relationship doesn't necessarily have to directly involve Veronica).
Characters: The Kanes
Prompt: This challenge is pretty open- any fic featuring Lilly, Duncan or even their parents, qualifies. You can explore the family dynamics or simply write more Kane-centric pre-series fic that explores any pairing in the Fab Four. If you want to change Lilly's fate, AUs are also welcome. Or you could examine Duncan's journey more closely (and maybe how his parents took to losing their other child) with season 1, 2 or future fic. The choice is yours.
Characters: Sheriff Don Lamb
Prompt: We never really got to know much about Lamb outside of his disdain for the Mars family, but the second season gave us a little glimpse of his past, when he briefly acknowledged his abusive father. Use fic to explore Lamb’s younger years, his relationship with his parents, and how all of it made him into the man he became.
Characters: Parker and/or Piz
Prompt: The new kids in town, both affable and unassuming, probably had no idea what awaited them in Neptune. Take a look at the town, its occupants or its secrets, through their eyes. Any ratings, pairings or other characters welcome, but the fic must be either Parker and/or Piz centric.
Characters: Writer's Choice
Prompt: Write a character-centric fic about any character you want. The rating, genre, pairing(s) are all up to you, too. Total freedom on this one, so have fun!
Characters: The other residents of Neptune
Prompt: Time to give some love to everyone else- all those other guys (or ladies!) who helped make the show what it was. Write a fic where a secondary character is your star (or at least also co-starring in your story). There's plenty of great characters to choose from and a lot of different dynamics to explore- a friend (like Meg) or a foe (Aaron), a love-interest (Leo) or a fling (Kendall). You can pair them up with one of the main characters or explore them on your own, maybe giving us a different perspective on someone we hardly knew (Corny) or a character that was pretty well-defined (Jackie).
Now there should be something there for everyone, right?
Back to the rest of the last round's challenges:
Monthly Theme Challenge
Month: August
Theme: Birthday and Anniversaries
This community was started in August of last year, so the final round will coincide with our one year anniversary. In addition to that, Veronica's birthday is some time in August, according to canon. So for this theme challenge, write any fic centered around a birthday (anyone's birthday) or anniversary (any anniversary, whether it's marking a relationship milestone or something tragic, like the anniversary of a character's death).
If this month's challenge doesn't inspire you, maybe you can use one from a previous round.
Month: September
Theme: Back to School! Hey, in real time, the gang would be heading to Hearst for the start of their senior year. Oh how time flies when you're canceled!
Write a fic that follows any character/pairing as they get ready for or begin the start of a new school year. Any school year you want- senior year at Hearst or Neptune high, or an AU where Veronica's starting as a freshman at Stanford. You can go back to the past and put little Logan Echolls in kindergarten or write a future fic where Wallace is seeing off Wallace Jr. the first day of first grade. It's your call, so have fun!
Month: October
Theme: Halloween!
Write a fic revolving around the holiday or some aspect of it! Anything Halloween related is welcome, whether it be costume parties, trick or treating, or maybe a new, scary mystery. Any characters/pairings/ratings are allowed.
Month: November
Theme: Thanksgiving or thankfulness.
Two options here- you can create a fic, any rating/characters/pairings, involving Thanksgiving specifically, or you could write a story focused on the theme behind the holiday- thankfulness, where a character realizes what they have and how much it means to them.
Month: December
Theme: A Christmas Carol
Yes, it's that time of year again. Take a look at any Christmas- past, present or future- featuring any characters/pairings/ratings you wish.
Month: January
Theme: New Year's Resolutions
For many people, the first of January means a chance to start fresh while making some changes. So write a fic where a VM character decides to turn things around by bettering themselves in some way, whether it's giving up the bottle, their life of crime, or even working on those pesky trust issues. The character's motivation doesn't have to be the new year (that doesn't have to be part of the fic at all); they just need to promise themselves and at least try to follow-through on it. This challenge is open to any characters/pairings/ratings.
Month: February
Theme: Valentine's Day
Any characters/pairings/ratings welcome, just as long as Valentine's Day is involved somehow.
Month: March
Theme: Spring Break
Some wet and wild debauchery in Mexico? A boring "vacation" at home in Neptune? Or maybe an exciting new (or old!) case that will keep some of our favorite characters busy while school's out? Write about what they're doing on their spring break (any spring break). All characters/pairings/ratings welcome.
Month: April
Theme: April Showers (Angst fic!)
Because I somehow doubt everyone would be dying to write Easter fic, here's a much broader option: Angst- any characters/pairings/ratings. The only real requirement is that painful, gut-wrenching, heart-breaking stuff that helps make fic great. Break 'em up, beat 'em up, kill 'em. Get as dark and depressing as you want. Fluff this is not.
Month: May
Theme: May Flowers (Fluff fic!)
A sort of companion to Round #8's April Showers angst challenge. This time, forget the tears. Focus on the good, whether it be a romantic relationship at its best, or a warm familial bond, or a look at the kind of friendship that can survive anything. Veronica Mars might not seem fluffy, but it certainly had its moments (she is a marshmallow, after all). So have fun with the sweet side of the show.
Month: May
Theme: College Graduation!
It might be hard to believe, but if the show had never been canceled and had followed Veronica and company through the rest of their college years, the gang would all be graduating this year (well, maybe not Dick). So write a fic that focuses on the end of college life and the beginning of...whatever is next. This fic can follow any characters or pairings
Month: June
Theme: Summer Blockbuster
Right now is the season for big blockbusters, but one film that probably won't be lighting up the marquee any time soon is Veronica Mars: The Movie. So let's fix that with fanfic. Write your version of the VM movie- what would you want to happen if it got made? Would it follow Veronica in the FBI? Logan versus the Sorokins? What happened with the election? Where are all of our favorite characters now? There were a lot of loose ends to be tied up, so start lacing!
Month: July
Theme: Summer Heat
Guys, I've been waiting forever for an excuse to do this. Summer Heat = R or NC-17 rated smut fics! Write porn! As far as I'm concerned the dirtier the better, but it's up to you. Any pairings (or groupings!) are encouraged, slash more than welcome. I don't care if it's kinky as hell or soft and sweet, just write some sex.
I think that covers pretty much everything! The last round is also a perfect time to post a monthly theme challenge fic you might have started a long time ago but never got around to finishing. So don't be afraid to post your Christmas fic in August! Trust me, people will read it.
And again, back to the challenges!
Table Challenge
August's Word Table:
Write a fic using at least five of the words in the table (but hey, why not try for all 25?!). Any characters/pairings/ratings are welcome.
And since we're already going all out, feel free to use previous word tables if this one isn't doing it for you. Here they all are:
Round #1:
Round #2:
Round #3:
Round #4:
Round #5:
Round #6:
Round #7:
Round #8:
Round #9:
Round #10:
Round #11:
After all of this, I'd think it'd be work to have your fic not somehow meet one of these challenges, amirite?
But here's a bunch of theme challenges, new and old, that you can work with just in case.
Theme Challenges
*All theme challenges are open to all characters, pairings, ratings and genres unless specifically stated in the prompt.
Quote Me On It- Quotation Challenge
Famous quotes are a fun way to play with fics; you can use them as an overall inspiration or include them in the story itself. And there's practically an infinite number of them out there, and tons that are appropriate for the show or characters (how could we ever forget Logan's inspirational message of the day on his voicemail?)
So for this challenge, work with some of your favorite quotes. Build your story around them, use them as dialog between characters, separate sections with them...however you want to incorporate them in your fic. Millions of quotes are at the tips of your fingers thanks to the web, and you can search for them by category as well. If you want to play with a random quote generator, you can use
this one and hit refresh for more.
'No One Writes Songs About the Ones that Come Easy' Song/Lyrics Challenge
The sister challenge of the quote prompt. For this one, use a song or lyrics to inspire you. You can include them in your fic if you want, but that's not necessary. If your muse is running on empty, maybe hitting shuffle on your playlist will give you some ideas!
The Unconventional Pairings Challenge
No canon allowed! For this one, you want to write a shipper fic about a couple that was never actually together on the show. Weevil/Veronica? Logan/Mac? Dick/Brain cells? (I kid.) There's a ton of possibilities. As long as it wasn't actually on the show, it works here!
A Different World: Alternate Universes Challenge
Maybe you like certain canon pairings but you want to take them someplace different? Or you want to play around with a character in a completely new setting? In alternate universe fics, you can get as crazy as you want. What if Logan and Veronica met after college? In New York? In 1941? Or what if Wallace was the rich and popular BFF killed and Veronica met Lilly the next year? What if Dick and Weevil were somehow switched at birth instead of Mac and Madison? AUs allow you to have total creative freedom so you can go anywhere with this challenge. Have fun with it!
An 'Epic' Undertaking: Multi-chapter fics or entire season rewrites
One-shots are pretty much the standard around here, so here's a challenge to try and get away from that. Since you've got 3 months before we close, why not try to write a long fic with multiple chapters? Or you could really stretch those muscles and go for entire season rewrites. Not a fan of the third season? Redo it yourself episode by episode. Or 'fix' a season with your own amount of episodes, whatever your storyline dictates. WIPs are pretty rare now days but they give readers something to really look forward to and they're also a lot more work. You don't even have to have it all completed by the deadline if that's not manageable, since the community will still be around for posting updates after we end the challenges. If you've been thinking about it, now is the time to do it!
Fun with Ficlets!
So novel-sized stories aren't your thing. Maybe even one-shots are too much for you sometimes. Well ficlets are fun, too! For this challenge, we'll say that a ficlet is anything 750 words or less. These bite-sized stories are the perfect way to get back into writing, and they can be about anything Veronica Mars related. All I ask is that if you plan on writing multiple ficlets, you try to save them for one post.
Finish the Finale Challenge
Finally, finish the finale! Pick up right where Veronica and co. left off in episode 20 of season three. What happened with the election? What's going on with Logan and Gory Sorokin? Or Veronica and her internship and relationship with Piz? You can write about all of it or just the parts you need closure on.
If none of these appeal to you, maybe you'll find something in a previous theme challenge. Now is also your last chance to finally complete and post a previous challenge fic you've started in the past. So here's the rest of the challenges we've used before.
Episode Challenges
Episode: 1.18- Weapons of Class Destruction
Prompt: What if- Ben wasn't an undercover agent and Veronica was right to be afraid?
Episode: 2.11- Donut Run
Prompt: What if-Veronica and Duncan’s plan goes awry and he’s caught by the Feds in Mexico. Now what?
Episode: 2.20- Look Who's Stalking
Prompt: What if Kendall wasn’t there when Veronica went to Logan’s room the morning after Alterna-Prom? If angst is your thing, this doesn't have to mean that Logan didn't sleep with her the night before (or someone else for that matter).
Episode: 1.10- An Echolls Family Christmas
Prompt: How would poker night continue if Aaron hadn't been stabbed?
Episode: 1.21- A Trip to the Dentist
Prompt: After another tense confrontation with his dad, Logan tells Aaron, "Well, you’ve got limited time. Cause let’s face it- my eighteenth birthday, whenever that is, Mom’s inheritance comes through and it’s bon voyage." Write an AU fic where, a year later and still under his father's thumb, Logan makes good on his word.
Previous Theme Challenges
You Are Not The Father!
Unofficially sponsored by Maury Povich! Who's your daddy? Who knows? Play with paternity here. What if the test results showed that Keith wasn't Veronica's father? Hey, what if little Lilly wasn't Duncan's? What would Logan do if he found out that, like Trina, he too was adopted by Aaron? Or maybe someone hires Veronica to find proof they're not a dad? Endless possibilities, right?
Rocks Fall: Everybody Dies
Well, at least somebody dies. Kill a character (or characters), any character. Then write a fic about their death, the buildup to their death, or the fallout from their death. You could be like the CW and kill off everyone, or maybe just pick one person to knockoff. The fic doesn't have to be all about the character you killed; the victim could be periphery to the plot, with the real story being about how the death has affected others. The only requirement here is that someone in your story must die. This could even be an original character as long as the fic focuses on the characters we know and love (or love to hate). Be creative and have fun.
DVD Extras
Almost all DVDs now days come with a load of extras for your viewing pleasure, whether it's a blooper reel or a peek at the storyboard. This challenge uses some of those extras as inspiration for fic prompts, and there's a few different ones to choose from.
Deleted Scenes- Write a fic that could be a missing moment from any episode. Maybe Veronica saw Logan and Hannah together at the Winter Carnival (episode 2.13), or Keith and Lianne had a heated argument when she showed up on his doorstep (episode 1.21). The fic has to fit an episode, but since the "scene" never "aired," it doesn't have to necessarily follow canon. There were 64 episodes of the show and a lot of stuff left to our imagination, so the possibilities are almost endless.
Extended Scenes- Take a scene from the show and elaborate where they didn't. What happened after Veronica got off the phone with Keith in the third season opener? What exactly did Logan do after he was thrown into jail at the end of 3.09? There's a little less leeway here because the first part of the fic is practically written for you, but there's still plenty of room to play
Commentary- Write a character's thoughts on any event that unfolded in an episode. How did Mac feel when Parker broke up with Logan? What was Keith thinking when he found out that Veronica helped Duncan escape the FBI? This fic has to be someone's POV about something that occurred in canon, but the character you're writing for didn't necessarily have to be involved with whatever transpired.
Alternate Endings- A chance to really get creative by taking something the show did and twisting it all around. What if Keith had actually been on the plane in 2.22? Or maybe someone else showed up on the videos with Lilly, revealing a killer other than Aaron?
Ten Year Reunion
Write a future fic featuring a high school or college reunion, or less specifically a fic that takes place approximately a decade after any point in the series (10 year anniversay of Lilly's death, or 10 years since that night on the roof of the Neptune Grand, or a look at Veronica, Logan, Mac, anyone at around 27, 28, or get the picture). All characters/pairings/ratings welcome.
Veronica Mars Fanfiction Squared
It's fanfiction fanfiction! In this challenge you can write a story playing in someone else's VM universe. The list of authors who have offered up their work (and their rules and conditions, if any) can be found
here. You can only use fanfic an author has given their permission for in this thread! Anything else will be deleted, since it might be considered borderline plagerism.
Blast to the Past
For this challenge, focus on either pre-series fic or AUs that send our favorite characters to another time and place in the past (this could be a great opportunity to have fun with the noir aspect of the show by playing with the 30s and 40s!). Any characters and pairings are welcome, all ratings and genres encouraged. Try to get creative with this one!
Fellow members have been leaving prompts, and now you can claim them! Go
here and choose, and snag up the ones you want by replying and specifying which prompt you're taking. Once you claim a prompt, it's yours and no one else can take it. I've thought about it, and since there's so many good prompts, I'm throwing out the submission limit for this round only. So claim the ones you want to write, but be careful to not bite off more than you can chew. It'd be a shame if someone claimed a bunch of prompts and then never filled them.
*Note- You can still add prompts to this challenge if you want. Just use the same thread!
Lilly Lives!
Lilly Kane's death and the impact it had on so many was the driving force behind the first season, so play around with a universe where she wasn't killed. Was it just a close call, or did someone else die that day? What would the fallout have been like if she lived but her actions were still revealed? Whatever you can think of that fits, go for it. The fics don't have to be Lilly-centric.
VM Fic What If?
This challenge is only for members who have written a VM fic before and want to change things up a little. The premise is pretty simple (and a popular one across all fandoms!)- I'll take your fic, give you a What If? scenario, and then you'll rewrite it from that point on. For example using one of my stories,
Sexual Jealousy Issues- if I were to submit this fic for a makeover, the What If? prompt might be, What if the lights didn't go out? Then my job would be to rewrite the fic using that prompt.
If you PM me (which you can do by going
here and clicking Send Message at the top right-side of the screen) and provide a link to the fic you want to participate with, I'll read over your work and then send you a What If? prompt based on the fic. We can do this any time (like now even; you don't have to wait for round #8 to officially start on the 1st). I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can, just give me some time to read your fic and think of a good prompt for you to do with it. If you don't like the prompt I give you, it's not like you're obligated to write it. We can even try again if you'd like.
Couple's Firsts
Somewhat shippy fics that focus on a milestone in a relationship- a couple's first time. Any first time, whether it's a first kiss or first date or even a first divorce. The pairing is up to you.
New Car Smell Vehicles actually played a pretty big role in the show, so write a story involving a character buying their new (or new to them!) automobile or make any car the center of your fic. You can go back to pre-series and write about the LeBaron or Xterra, or do a third season fic about Logan or Veronica’s brand new wheels. Maybe you can take a closer look at the stories involving Mac and Weevil's ill-gained cars? Or write a future piece where Wallace is trading in his sports car for a minivan. Whatever you can think of, go for it!
By the Numbers
It's a really popular fanfiction style- writing a number of ficlets and connecting them with one central theme. For example, say, Four Times Logan Had A Gun Pointed At Him or Seven People Veronica Accused First. You don't have to follow canon (heh). How about, Five People Who Didn't Kill Lilly Kane...But Could Have or Three Women Aaron Seduced. It can be tragic (Two Times Veronica Was Shot) or romantic (Three Times Logan Slept Over). You don't have to take my suggestions. The number and idea behind it are all yours, so go crazy and have fun!
Apocalypse How?
It's the end of the world as we know it! Bring on the apocalypse for the residents of Neptune. Is it the bird flu? Nuclear war? Zombies? That's all up to you. You can focus on any characters or pairings you want. Have fun!
Turning the Tables
A poor '09er? A straight-laced PCHer? A popular Veronica versus outcast Logan? Take a character (or characters) and put them in a position that's different from their norm. These fics don't have to be AUs; you can use canon events to cause a change in circumstance, if you'd like (Weevil vows to change his criminal ways after his season two arrest, or Logan loses all of his money in the third season).
Okay, that's everything. I seriously do think it'd be a new challenge itself to write something and have it not fit any of these categories! There's something here for everyone, and since this is the very last challenge round, I hope you guys find the inspiration and time to participate.
As for other community activities, please, if you haven't done so already, vote in the
round #10 awards poll. I still have to announce the winners for rounds 8 and 9, so that'll be coming up eventually.
Thanks guys! If you have any questions, comments or concerns, let me know here. Have fun and good luck with the final round!