Title: Unspoken
Author: absfabulous1
Pairing/Character: Mac, Logan, somewhat unrequited Logan/Mac, Veronica/Logan and brief mentions of others
Word Count: ~1,600
Rating: PG-13, but there's character deaths and an overall dark, angsty tone
Summary: Mac was sure that she and Logan had learned to communicate telepathically.
Notes: I started this for the April Showers angst challenge at
vmfic_gameon, but it wasn't finished in time to post, so I made it fit this round's word table challenge, using contrite, visceral, aftershave, atheist, dashing, attack, honey, and bullet. Also, the last part of
What a Tangled Web We Weave should be posted soon, too.
Spoilers: Everything, to be safe
Disclaimer: I am in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of Veronica Mars. No copyright infringement is intended.