Title: Nakama
hyperemmalawlz Characters/Pairing: Cassidy, all the bus crash victims. Veronica, Dick, Gia, Duncan, allusions to Woody.
Word Count: 1360
Rating: R
Summary: There's something fitting about who has ended up on that bus.
Spoilers: Up to 2x22, "Not Pictured."
Warnings: Reference to molestation, rape, murder.
Author's Notes: This fic I wrote for two things: both the prompt "Cassidy's thoughts on killing his classmates" at
vmfic_gameon , and the prompt "a cliff" for
story_lottery . Because... they kind of just meshed. Hoping I won't get in trouble for it. Title is thanks to TVTropes.
The giggle in his throat slightly calms the turning in his stomach...