Title: Average Everyday Superhero
Genre: Veronica Mars/Buffy the Vampire Slayer x-over
Pairing: Veronica/Faith
Rating: R, though it will possibly reach NC-17 later
Spoilers: : Post-Chosen for Buffy and through Season 2 Veronica Mars.
Disclaimer: I don't own these characters or places, nor do I profit from writing about them.
Timeline: Roughly 3 years Post-Chosen; Midway through Veronica Mars season 2. Most of what you know in VM Season 2 hasn't happened. Veronica is single, though Logan is still pining over her. The only thing we know for sure is that the Fighting Fitzpatrick's are getting more and more powerful, Weevil and the PCHers are about to declare war, and Veronica is smack dab in the middle of it all.
Summary: After being saved from the grasps of Liam Fitzpatrick by one of his own family members, Veronica finds herself questioning the girl and her growing attraction to her.
Chapter One