Title: "Sisters Doin' It For Themselves...and Other Frightening Sights" (A "lost scene" from the BSaR-verse)
Author: Pat Kelly
Pairing: Veronica/Buffy
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 542
Summary: 'Tis what it is. :-)
Spoilers: VM S3, Ep 2, "My Big, Fat Greek Rush Week"
Disclaimer: Joss and Rob, FOX and Warner Bros. All is yours.
Note: Okay, the series is still done, but I started getting ideas for going back and just doing a scene here and there set within the canon of both shows, so these may pop up from time to time. I like these girls too much apparently. :-)
Buffy and Veronica stood just inside the Zeta Theta Beta House, undercover in their light and airy sundresses, bracing themselves for three hours of wishing they were somewhere else. Singing, why’d there have to be singing?
But they had to remember it was all to stop a rapist. Greater good. Noble cause and--
“Quit trying to look at my ass.” The slayer whispered, catching her girlfriend attempting to discreetly lean back.
Veronica sighed. “Never a windy grate around when ya need one.” Then she whispered herself as a Theta Beta approached, “Remind me...which circle did Dante say this was on again?”
“Six. ‘N’a half.” Buffy reminded promptly. “There’s also where every Adam Sandler movie made after 1999 is.”
It was all coming back to Veronica now. “And all those ‘comedy’ specials Gallagher did in the eighties, right.” Beat. “Game faces.”
“Hi! Welcome to Zeta Theta Beta. I’m Hallie. What’re your names?” The girl’s chipmunk voice greeted, chirpily.
And best, fake chipper smile... “Veronica.”
Hallie was filling out a heart-shaped nametag. “Oh my gawd--I used to have a little Shih Tzu named ‘Veronica.’” She put it on the new “pledge.”
“What a coincidence.”
Just keep smiling...just keep smiling...
“Buffy.” The slayer took her turn.
“Just like the sweet, old, rich lady on ‘Gilligan’s Island.’ Too cute.” Another name, another tag from Hallie. “So are you like, you know,” Her voice dropped, “together?”
“Once. *Way* too much ‘Grey Goose.’” The detective cracked, trying to gauge the Theta Beta’s member’s reaction to the mention of alcohol.
Hallie laughed. “Tell me about it.”
Though befuddled by the reaction to her name, Buffy managed to contribute, “We’ve known each other since forever.”
Veronica nodded, filing away what she’d just learned. “Inside our respective wombs? Communicated telepathically.”
Hallie melted like ditzy, blond butter. “Aww! You guys are totally adorable! I think you’re gonna *love* being one of us.”
“’One of Us’?” Veronica repeated once the girl walked to the next victim, and they were relatively alone. “Somebody’s been reading ‘Cult Slanguage For Dummies.’” Then she got a good look her girlfriend’s nametag.
And her game face broke to allow barely restrained laughter to take over.
“What?” Buffy ripped off the name tag and saw what was written there.
Even without the “Gilligan’s Island” reference, there was still the sexual interpretation, which they both assumed was lost on Hallie. Despite how annoyed she was, Buffy hugged Veronica as her laughter/crying became less and less restrained, and began drawing attention.
“She had a Shih Tzu, too. It just died; she’s having a really hard time.” Buffy offered to the onlookers. “It got sat on.” Then she was back to whispering. “Nobody hears about this. And later? Say *nothing* to me. Be wordless. *Veronika*.” She wasn’t the only one with a botched tag. “When did you become a bulimic, Russian runway model?” Veronica showed no signs of stopping. “We’re on a mission here!”
While she hid Veronica from the sorority house, her gaze settled on a tall, leggy, wavy-haired redhead. Her Spidey-Sense tingled off the chart. She decided on the spot, that she wasn’t leaving Veronica alone with her--claws were at the ready.
But while she was in this position, she figured she’d attempt to peer down over her girlfriend’s shoulder and see what she could see.