Title: The Legend of the Other Veronica
Author: Trixen
Pairing/Character: Veronica (Logan/Veronica, with cameos by Weevil, Cassidy, Duncan and Wallace)
Word Count: 3, 416
Rating: R
Summary: Veronica's trying to shed her skin. Logan's trying to love her. A reservoir, gross poetry and ghosts of Lilly all make appearances.
Spoilers: Sometime after ‘Not Pictured’. Not influenced by any spoilers or anything to do with the current third season. Consider Seasons 1 and 2 spoiled however.
Warnings: Language, dirty sex and a dirtier Veronica
Disclaimer: I am in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of Veronica Mars. No copyright infringement is intended.
(He keeps trying to slow her down but he can't and she's pretty sure that no one can) I'd love to hear your thoughts. My first VM fic in a while.