2006 wishlist

Nov 01, 2006 00:37

Posting separately per mod request! :)  P.S. I also want a pony and I already have the 'My Little' kind so if someone could work on a real one for me, that would be great...

email address: rowanceleste @ yahoo.com

Things I'd like: L/V fic, AUs that make sense, random smut, fluff and humor. I love Troy, Casey and I'll admit I love Jealous!Logan when it makes sense and it's well written,..it's one of my favorite things although I'm not a huge fan of angst :) *Side note, I can't deal with ones where either Logan or Veronica are cheating because I consider that OOC for them and it makes me not enjoy the story.

What I can do: I can write L/V fic, although I generally focus on fluff, snark,humor and I've written some smut, etc..if you'd like there to be a specific plot, mystery or event, I've done that before, but a suggestion or request would really help...I can also do Lamb/Veronica if inspired, or Troy/Veronica, Casey/Veronica but let me know what you really want because Logan tends to make an appearance and well, neither V nor I can resist him...I can also write friendship fics (Wallace, Veronica, Weevil, Veronica, etc) My fics are linked from my lj if you want an idea of what I write and I also have done some Sound Offs and Ask Logan's for NNO. I can do V/D pre-series, etc.

What I can't do: Video, icons, slash, V/W (I can't write Veronica/Wallace or Veronica/Weevil because I'm not good at writing what I consider it to be significantly OOC

2006 wishlist, rowanlove

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