Nov 21, 2010 11:02
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Things I'd like: weevil/veronica fic is once again at the top of my list. im also cool with veronica/leo, dick/mac, veronica/lamb, lamb/keith friendship, keith/veronica adorable daddy-daughter-ness, and though im not overly fond of the 3rd season, i love parker and i have a secret thing for mac/piz. im open to anything - fic would be preferred, but graphics, vids, whatever. im not picky. (but srsly, w/v? would be AWESOME.)
What I can do: fic, vid, fanmix, art...just about anything. im not the greatest with wallpapers, though. weevil/veronica is definitely my strong point, but im also good with anything listed above, as well as the casablancas family, vinnie, and cliff.
What I absolutely CAN'T do: basically any fic with logan or duncan as major characters. im sorry, i know theyre pretty key characters onscreen, but i have no interest whatsoever, and because of that i never paid enough attention to them onscreen to feel like ive got a very good handle on their characters. cant stand veronica/piz either.
--yes, i pretty much copied my list from last year. my preferences in this fandom dont change very much.
2010 wishlist,