Nov 30, 2005 22:45
E-mail address:
Things I'd like: A long, angsty, smutty, Lamb fic would be lovely. Lamb/Veronica would be even cooler. Or Logan/Veronica is always awesome. I would love someone to design a Logan/Veronica/Lamb layout for my lj, I've got no clue where to start. (Are we sensing a theme here:)) Wallpaper is cool, as I do need a new one, or an clever icon. Anything involving, Logan, Veronica, Lamb, or any combination of the three would rock.
What I can do: Icons, wallpapers, soundtracks, mood themes, I could probably make a F/O banner, or some manips, pretty much anything from the graphics department.
What I absolutely CAN'T do: Fic, I can't write. At all.
Vids, animated icons, or layouts I'm learning, but I'm not there yet:)
I'd prefer something not Duncan related.
2005 wishlist