Oct 31, 2009 21:05
Email Address: afrocurl [at] livejournal [dot] com
Things I like:
Fic: I have a kink for AU pre-series LV fic, doesn't matter the genre after that. I've also been interested in a serious character study of either Logan or Dick after S3, and if they were even able to get themselves out of the funks each found themselves in at the end of the series. Outside of those, I'm interesting in any serious LV fic, with inclusion from all the usual suspects. Angst is good, and I have no problem if either Logan or Veronica is with someone else for part of it. Happy ending not required, but strongly preferred (it doesn't have to be sunshine and roses, but something hopeful.)
Icon: I'm always looking for new and fun icons to express any sort of mood.
Fanmix: Never one to argue with good music, should you be able to create a mix for a post-S3 Logan or Dick, that'd be amazing.
What I can do:Fic--I'm comfortable with most kinds of storytelling and sub genres, though mysteries are not my forte. Major characters are easier to write, but I can work with some smaller characters if needed.
Graphics--I can work my way around Photoshop, though I don't promise spectacular results.
Fanmix--given the right mood, I'm good.
What I CAN'T do: Duncan or Piz in a positive light. Vids. Fic where a large mysetery would need to be developed and plotted through. Complicated animated icons.
2009 wishlist