Name: Alice
Any Nicknames?: No
Age: 28
Birthday: June 25
Hobbies/Talents: Knitting, writing, cooking, reading
Likes: Learning new things, children, smart television, D&D, history, languages, good food, rain, cool weather, card games.
Dislikes: Hot weather, sunshine, mean people, slapstick comedy, getting up early, work drama.
Any siblings?: My older brother is a Buddhist monk.
Strong points: I'm smart, I learn things fast, I'm honest (maybe too honest), I'm compassionate, I'm a good listener, and I can balance things on my head.
Weak Points: I can't stick with projects, I'm boy crazy, I have a hard time maintaining professionalism in a very professional job, and I have some sort of undiagnosed anxiety disorder.
Colour: Gray
Food: Eggs Benedict
Type of Music/Musical artist(s): Circa-1994 alternative rock (REM, Belly) or goth (Sisters of Mercy).
Animal: Monkey
VM fave character: Logan, OMG!
Least Favorite VM character: Duncan
Favorite VM moment: the first time Logan and Veronica kissed
Favorite VM couple (they didn't have to actually get together in the series): Logan/Veronica
How would you describe your personal style?: Pragmatic
Which one of the typical stereotypes (science nerd, jock, band geek, preppy, loner etc) do you think you fit into in high school?: Orchestra nerd
When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?: Teacher
How do you feel about love/relationships?: Cynical
Could you be called "obsessive"? If so, what about?: Yes, about anything I'm into at the moment, then a couple weeks later it's something new.
What would be your dream job?: Writer
Describe your best friend: She's a lot like me.
For being stamped do you prefer boy/girl or doesn't matter?: Doesn't matter.
Picture/Describe What you look like:
Curly brown hair, pale skin, green eyes, glasses.