The Anchors Away Smutathon Challenge!

Nov 01, 2006 22:57

Ahoy mateys! Raise the mast! All hands on, deck!

Welcome to the Anchors Awaaaaaaaaaaaaay! Smutathon!! Whether on a dinghy, a rowboat, an ocean liner, or a yacht, the lovers on VM could set the ocean aflame with the fire of their passions. /Harlequin Romance Novel

The Rules pretty much stay the same, but give 'em a gander so as not to goof up, k?

Rules are as follows:

1. Fics must be at least 2000 words. No one wants to read your drabble. Write us a novel, baby!

2. Fics MUST be R - NC-17. It's called a SMUTathon for a reason, yo.

3. Fics must be submitted by Thursday, November 30th, at 11:59pm CST to be considered for voting.

4. Fics must include characters/couples from Veronica Mars. All couples are welcome!! Even though L/V is prevalent in our fandom, this is a smutathon community for *everyone*! (Please note: while I appreciate the time and effort that goes into creating original characters, no fics will be accepted that features an OC.)

5. Fics must be written with correct grammar/spelling/punctuation or they will be deleted. PLEASE do not submit fics that have not been beta'ed. If you do not have your own editor, please visit vm_betas, or seek a fellow writer for some mutually-assured beta-ing.

No official sign-ups, 'cause that's a pain in the ass, but feel free to comment if you know for sure you're going to write us something fabulous!

(Gorgeous banners, as always, made by the esteemed lapdogdesign. You'll notice that in the flag alphabet, the flags on both of those banners spell out "S-M-U-T".... she seriously rocks my socks off!!)

anchors away smutathon, challenge post

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