One of the more wonderific things about "Veronica Mars" is the way the writers mix reality with flashbacks for some phenomenal plot and character movement. Fic writers take a page from that book in this week's Tuesday theme: Dreams.
Cherry Blossom by
somefairytale (Lilly, Veronica, PG-13)
the book of right on by
passionflows (Lilly/Weevil, R)
Really (Not Stopping, Never Stopping) by
_elektra (Veronica/Logan, R)
Trust by
belismakr ((Veronica/Logan, R)
The Fire You Cannot Leave by
of_secret_rooms (Veronica, drabble)
Just like this by
apestaartje (Lilly, mention of others and Logan/Veronica, PG-13)
Ashes by
dettiot (Veronica, Logan, implied V/L, R)*
Leaving Me Here On My Own by
trollprincess (Logan/Veronica, R)
*repeated from earlier rec