Occasionally, when the going gets tough, the tough ... go out of town, for the summer, a roadtrip, a semester abroad, a honeymoon, or, you know, just because. It makes sense to me, especially when you consider what an evil, warped, claustrophobic environment Neptune can be. Personally, I'm addicted to following Veronica on her travels to Canada, Scotland, Italy, England, and other, far away places as she takes pictures, explores castles and refugee camps, or studies. Each of the following features a trip out of the country for Veronica, her friends and lovers. So, please fasten your safety belt, place your tray tables and seat backs in the upright and locked position, rip open that tiny bag of peanuts, crank up the iPod, and enjoy.
If You Can't Pronounce the Name of the Library, You Might As Well F*ck In It by
moire2 (Logan/Veronica; NC-17) (2x22)
Dude - Best Vacation Ever by
chibi_care (Logan/Veronica; R) (2x22)
Temporary Insanity by
blue_icy_rose (Mac, Veronica, Wallace; PG-13) (2x01)*
Evil Reptilian Kitten Eater From Another Planet by
rowanceleste (Ensemble, Logan/Veronica; PG-13) (2x22)
E in Orario il Treno by
sinoftheday (Logan/Veronica; NC-17) (1x09)
Remembering Your Divinity by
monimala (Logan/Mac, Mac/OC; NC-17) (3x01)
Haunted, Part 1 (WIP) by
inthevast (Logan/Veronica; NC-17) (3x09)
Catharsis by
fickledame (Logan/Veronica; NC-17) (3x04)*
And, finally, by yours truly,
Summer Abroad by
rindee (Logan/Veronica; NC-17) (2x22)
*Previously recced.
Don't forget to leave a shoutout to the author, if you find something you enjoy!