Ever wonder how things were in Neptune before anything too horrible happened? I've found myself really loving fics that take a serious look at how all Duncan, Lilly, Logan and Veronica were before that fateful day in October. With that in mind, I present a few fics that take place before the series aired and all hell broke loose.
King Among Runaways (WIP) by
tmt-catalyst (Logan/Veronica, Lilly; PG-13 to R) (1x22)
The Forbidden Itch by
gertinator (Logan/Veronica; NC-17) (1x01)
Assassins by
missdeviant (Logan/Veronica; PG-13) (1x22)
Things I Learned When Watching South Park by
cloud_forest (Logan, Veronica; PG) (1x01)
Sleep, Perchance by
wily_one24 (Duncan/Veronica, Logan, Veronica; R) (1x22)
Tremors (WIP) by
muppet47 (Duncan/Veronica, Lilly/Logan; R to NC-17) (1x22)
Girl Come Undone by
suivreletoile (Duncan/Veronica; PG-13) (1x22)
Pour Some Sugar On Me by
txtequilanights (Lilly/Logan; NC-17) (1x01)
Please remember, if you enjoy one of these, leaving feedback for the author makes the process all the more rewarding.